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  1. OK after some more testing all I had to do to resolve the issue is on the CSV Import page change the Multiple value separator to something else besides : if you are using comma seperated. It read the image and imported.
  2. I had a similar issue but it had removed all my catagories from the to horizontal menu. So since it removed mine maybe remove them from horizontal menu save it exit administrator console and then log back in and add them again? Just a thought if you have not tried it? Good Luck John Ackerman
  3. I upgraded to and started to do some additional bulk product uploads of products, which I have done several times and have had no issues uploading over 1000 products before the 1.6.1 upgrade. I do them 100 per import and am now testing with 10 and now 1 product trying to resolve issue. The image is valid with a valid link on a VPS server and a seperate domain from the domain of the store. I have tried HTTP:// and HTTP://www. and just wwww and I get the same error. It creats the listing just fine but will not copy image. Here is the line I have in csv file and I have changed the domain name Image URLs (x,y,z...) http://mydomain.net/_vendorimg/aop/aopsostrans.png Here is the error I am getting and the thing that looks different is the two errors almost like it is splitting the http from the rest of address. Rewrite link for 2015 SOS South Carolina History (ID: null) was re-written as 2015-sos-south-carolina-history. Error copying image: http Error copying image: //mydomain.net/_vendorimg/aop/aopsostrans.png Thank you in advance for any assistance!!!
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