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  1. Hi All! Version I have two domains A and B. I have built a shop on domain A then changed my mind and moved it to domain B, then deleted the files from A and forwarded the domain to B. Changed the shop e-mail address to the new domain, however when system e-mails sent out to customers they use the address of the old domain. E.g. when someone send message via the shop's contact function. Why this is still happening? It is also worth to mention that the two domain is at the same hosting provider. Thanks for the help! Regards Tamás
  2. Hi All, I am just building a shop with using Leo Digital theme which I have purchased. The category and subcategory images showing on the wrong way. Does not matter what I do they just look wrong. I have attached a picture showing the situation. How to fix this? Also how to set presta not to use images for categories and subcategories. Because if I do not upload an image for a subcategory it shows a "No image available" message. Thanks for helping.
  3. Hi All, I have a little issue with the subcategories images and subcategories showing in general. The main problem is as shown on the attached image, that the subcategories images/thumbnails are showing with a question mark. As you can see on the image the area aoutlined by green corresponds to the subcategories presented in the lef which is outlined by yellow. Ideally: 1. I would like some nice images for the subcategories (outlined by green) 2. I would like to get a rid of the whole subcategory thing on the middle (outlined by green), but would like to keep the structure on the left (outlined by yellow). Would probably prefer this option! Shop: running a custom theme Url: www.kolbaszaruhaz.hu Any suggestions?
  4. Hello, Thanks I will try it out! Tamas
  5. Hi Thanks for the answer. I will check that out, however I have just read that it has to be inserted in the same way as google's tracking code so a module which can do that would do the trick for this too... Anyone to confirm that? Regards Tamás
  6. Hi All, I advertise a lot on facebook and would like to take advantage of www.adroll.co, retargeting features, but te site is asking to insert a smart pixel into my site to verify my account. How would I go about that? Is there a toll or modul that can do it? Presta version Thanks for your help Please see the image below:
  7. Hi All, I would like to create a cart rule that gives various amount of discount paralell to the "size" of the cart. It would need to be a single coupon/code/voucher! Something like this: Size of the cart reaches 100$ = 5% discount Size of the cart reaches 200$ = 10% discount Size of the cart reaches 300$ = 15% discount So the system will automatically give the appropriate percentage of discount based on the "size" of the cart. It would be nice because it would require the advertising of only one voucher and would encourage people to spen more. Thanks in advance. Tamás
  8. El Patron, Thanks for your suggestions, I will speak to them and I will consider the module you have suggested. 50 euros is not the end of the world...
  9. El Patron, Thanks for taking your time, I do appriciate it. I know it is not so bad,but still, there is room for improvement... so I think. I have been told by the Hosting company that Gzip is not available because their apache webserver is running in FastCGI mode, and my site is on a shared server so it cannot be done. Well, the downside of the cheap storage :-) How about specifiy image dimensions and CSS sprites? Would they make a difference? Perhaps Scaled images, although I guess I could do that mysel :-) Thanks again Tamas
  10. Hi, I have enabled it for now :-) It is in hungarian...
  11. Hi all, I will start to operate a webshop in Hungary, I have built it my self, but my knowledge is not enough for all the speed optimalization. I have attached a speed test result from gtmetrix.com and I would like someone to fix the issues for me. The site is http://www.kolbaszaruhaz.hu and it is turned off at the moment, but will turn it on if needed, for a short while) Please advise, how much would it cost to fix it. (gzip cannot be enabled, but cssprites and all other things could be done I guess. Please only offer reasonable prices as I am not loade. This is eastern europe :-) Thanks for reading it. Tamas GTmetrix-report-www.kolbaszaruhaz.hu-20140709T053826-lsRxz9qS-full.pdf
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