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  1. Super big thanks to you both guys {$order_invoice->date_add} This worked in tpl file perfectly.
  2. Hello, Is it possible to show invoice creation/generation date instead of placed order date? {$smarty.now|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"} This is how invoice.tpl gets the date. I need to get the date after the order status is changed and the actual invoice is generated. How could i achieve this?
  3. Hello, Little help needed with smarty and prestashop. I just need to show price near my product combinations. For example i have Size radio buttons. I would like to show in product.tpl like this http://gyazo.com/b691004040a4a5d79335cd15999a2224 100ml - 100 eur 50ml - 70 eur {convertPrice price=$group_attribute.price} This gets me some nocences. These prices should be shown with reductions ect. So i think i need to get right sytax for smarty in foreach loop. {foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute} <li> <input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} onclick="findCombination();getProductAttribute();" /> <span>{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} - {convertPrice price=$group_attribute.price}</span> </li> {/foreach} Do i need to change controler and bring the prices some how? I would be verry thankfull for the help.
  4. Answer for El patron and Prestashark. Yes when there are few people server works fine because as like mohitsareen server is dual 4 core. It can eat 15 people. Thats the point that you can't see the bug until "hudge" amount of people comes. I tested with my server statistics, i can see how much CPU working at the right moment when i'am clicking on layered navigation checkboxes. So if more people uses layered navigation it just uses FULL proccesor and presta stops loading pages. I understand that it's verry hard for you guys to see the exat problem, but the problem is there lying in silence I had suggestion to use memcache. Could this solve the issue? Can you suggest any other modules for similar layered navigation?
  5. Hello, I have 5000 products in one category "Padangos". The problem is layered navigation. If 15 people start to filter products. Server usage goes wild and reach 360 percent usage 4 cores were working with 15 people online. This makes page unusable. Or just try to click a lot of times in filter checkboxes and it will generate Hudge ammounts of mysql quaeries http://gyazo.com/08a...9a0aadbe87b5e57 I indexed all prices,URL and ect. The question would be: How to fix this problem. How to make layered navigation module not to use CPU so much. If it's imposible with layered navigation maybe another modules you using with a lot of products? Suggestions and any kind of help would be verry appreciated. Anyone maybe had the same problem and solved it somehow from another perspective? I am open to any king of suggestions Prestashop version Layered nav version. v2.0.1 my project: pad ango splius.lt (remove spaces)
  6. Hello, guys. Yes layered navigation could be the problem. So any solutions how to make it work better? I have 4000 producs in one category. And it is killing CPU if i try to click lots of layered navigation filters CPU usage goes crazy. I mean from 33% to 400%... Need solutions to fix this. Maybe another module? Or tihis is just layered navigation bug? I cached everything in my shop even indexed Modules URL Prices ect....
  7. Same for me I would like to disable scroll or make it go to the top of the page. I can't find the code in JS which makes this scrolling..
  8. The same problem. I have it with select dropdown. I can't choose anything after axaj loading refreshes page and closes select dropdown Can anyone give a suggestion? Maybe another module? How to disable navigation ajax and make filtre button?
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