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  1. Please, attach screenshot of both tables (ps_image and ps_image_shop) values and also table structure.
  2. I do not see the I do not see the attachment. What version of prestashop are you using? Also, can you enable dev mode and try to upload image and tell me the error you are getting?
  3. First, you need to check that in you ddbb tables value for not cover images is NULL on ps_image and ps_image_shop. For me all the suggested fixes (dropping tables etc..) didn't work. What I changed on objectmodel.php is function formatfields as this: protected function formatFields($type, $id_lang = null) { $fields = array(); // Set primary key in fields if (isset($this->id)) $fields[$this->def['primary']] = $this->id; foreach ($this->def['fields'] as $field => $data) { // Only get fields we need for the type // E.g. if only lang fields are filtered, ignore fields without lang => true if (($type == self::FORMAT_LANG && empty($data['lang'])) || ($type == self::FORMAT_SHOP && empty($data['shop'])) || ($type == self::FORMAT_COMMON && (!empty($data['shop']) || !empty($data['lang'])))) continue; if (is_array($this->update_fields)) if ((!empty($data['lang']) || !empty($data['shop'])) && (empty($this->update_fields[$field]) || ($type == self::FORMAT_LANG && empty($this->update_fields[$field][$id_lang])))) continue; // Get field value, if value is multilang and field is empty, use value from default lang $value = $this->$field; if ($type == self::FORMAT_LANG && $id_lang && is_array($value)) { if (!empty($value[$id_lang])) $value = $value[$id_lang]; else if (!empty($data['required'])) $value = $value[Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')]; else $value = ''; } $purify = (isset($data['validate']) && Tools::strtolower($data['validate']) == 'iscleanhtml') ? true : false; // Format field value //$fields[$field] = ObjectModel::formatValue($value, $data['type']); $fields[$field] = ObjectModel::formatValue($value, $data['type'], false, false, !empty($data['allow_null'])); } return $fields; } Let me know if you want me to take a look
  4. I have a prestashop installation with two shop groups that share products, like this: GROUP 1 -Shop A -Shop B GROUP 2 - Shop C When an order is placed on Shop C, attribute quantities are reduced from the correct shop. But product total quantities are updated on the wrong shop group (GROUP 1) I'm guessing I will have to add the variable id_shop_group when updating total quantities I can't seem to find file/function where that process is made. Can somebody point me in the right direction? Im using prestashop 1.5.2 and advanced stock management is disabled, I'm setting quantities for each shop group manually Thanks in advance
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