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  1. Hi! How could I modify prestashop controllers or templates to show, for a specific users group, prices without taxes at products lists (that's done with backoffice users group options) and with taxes at checkout. I have modify the themes/VMO/templates/checkout/_partials/cart-summary-totals.tpl to show {$cart.totals.total_including_tax.value} and it was working well until I arrived to payment method options. It only shows the price with taxes if PayPal is selected but without taxes if the rest of payments methods are selected. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I was following this, but it doesn't work for prestashop 1.7. I realized the css classes and ids are not the same on my project but I've changed them and still doesn't work. Any jquery function or idea to implement at the onclick to get the next and previous picture of a product? Thank you, Miguel
  3. Hi, I've been trying a lot of options to manage an exception and show an error at admin panel but nothing seems to work. I'm at the postProcess method of a custom module. After the user sends a csv file through a form and the data is checked (everything works fine here), if an exception occurs I need to show a message, stop and redirect to the same page. I've tried this: this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('error',$msg); Tools::redirectAdmin('index.php?controller='.$controller.'&token='.$token); this: header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); die(json_encode(array( 'error' => array($this->l(' Error') )))); (that one works but shows a blank page with the message, not the message inside the admin panel) also this: $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'token' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules'), 'errors' => $this->errors )); $this->setTemplate('ExcelProcess.tpl'); and {$errors|var_dump} at the tpl displays null... ... and many other options. I can't find anything either about backoffice custom notifications at the PS docs, only about front custom notifications. Any clue? Thanks a lot! Miguel postProcess.txt ExcelProcess.tpl
  4. I have the same problem. I modified this->getList($this->context->language->id); to this->getList($this->context->language->id, null, null, 0, false); at AdminController.php but it didn't work. Any clue? Thank you!
  5. Hello, anybody know some way to migrate smartblog in prestashop to a wordpress blog? Thank you very much.
  6. Hola, tengo un problema con Latest news del módulo Smart Blog: no funciona bien para dos de los idiomas de mi web. Si miras la web en español salen 5 noticias más de las que salen en valenciano o en inglés. No sé por qué hay 5 noticias que en esos dos idiomas no aparecen en la portada en Latest news pero sí aparecen en el blog. Español: http://rocaynieve.com/es/ Valenciano: http://rocaynieve.com/ca/ Inglés: http://rocaynieve.com/en/ Un saludo y muchas gracias.
  7. Hello, I would like to stop showing the sizes of a product in the slide menu with stock zero. Disabling the option "Show unavailable products" is not suitable for me because I want to show unavailable products with no size. I just want to hide the unavailable sizes of a specific product. Thank you so much.
  8. Thank you so much haylau, that's the result: I've tried to change my current theme but I take this error message: Thank you so much.
  9. Hello, I've upgrade my prestashop www.rocaynieve.com from 1.5 to 1.6 and I get "500 Server Error" when loading the web. I've already activate the web. Somebody could help me please? Thank you so much.
  10. Hola, he actualizado mi prestashop de 1.5 a 1.6 y no me carga la web y me aparece "500 Server Error". ¿Alguien sabe por qué puede ser? Desactivé la web para actualizar y la volví a activar luego, mirando las opciones del nuevo prestashop 1.6 no encuentro nada. MI web es www.rocaynieve.com Muchas gracias.
  11. ¿No hay ningún módulo de reservas más barato? Necesito añadir a mi tienda online la opción de reservar viajes y actividades pero se me escapan mucho del presupuesto estos dos módulos que mostráis aquí. Gracias.
  12. Hola, ando buscando algún módulo para que los clientes inicien sesión desde facebook, google+, twitter, etc. y que además me permita conseguir fans y seguidores en mis redes sociales (que haya que hacerse fan para registrarse por ejemplo) y poder ofrecer también descuentos a cambio de compartir productos o compartir la página, etc. No he visto nada gratis y de los que veo de pago no me termino de fiar... ¿Alguna sugerencia? Gracias!
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