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  1. Thank you both. I started fixing it for my own shop and seeing they were doing nothing to fix the fiasco it was the 2.0.2 release, decided to commit my development. I'm glad every one is beneffiting of my work now. gloomybear, Thanks for the suggestion, I was already working on something similar, only that userId is not needed to be sent everytime. According to the documentation if you send it only once, analytics will apply that userId to the whole session, so I thought it would be nice to send it when the user logs in and send an event, so we'll also have that action tracked. Something like this hooked to the login action: ga('set','&uid','<?php $this->context-customer->id ?>'); ga('send','event','Login Action','login'); I'm currently testing it in my site. If there are no errors after some days, I'll propose the pull request in github. It is not exacty the same and I don't know if analytics would treat the data send with this method and yours the same way. All of this came to my mind when I wanted a better way to track login actions
  2. It does solve a bunch of thouse bugs with wrong data being sent. That's what was missing from 2.0.5, and they finnally added in 2.0.6 Although it has 2 more known errors that I was hoping they would have solved in 2.0.6 because I already gave the solution to them, as I did with almost every bug since 2.0.2, but I supose we will have to wait to 2.0.7. I also added carrier and payment method tracking and I hope that that will be added in 2.0.7 too.
  3. El modulo oficial ya hace todo eso que dices, incluso, mide los productos filtrados por ajax. Aun no mide el transportista/forma de pago seleccionados, pero lo estoy programando para la version 2.0.7. Y lo mejor de todo, es gratis y oficial.
  4. Ya podeis descargar la version 2.0.5 que tiene la mayor parte de los problemas importantes corregidos, quedan un par de bugs menores por resolver, pero esta version si es totalmente funcional.
  5. Great News! They finally released version 2.0.5 today. It has all major problems solved, only a few not very important bugs missing but fully functional.
  6. this is the status of bugs found at this point: [FIXED in 2.0.4] bad controller names resulting in no transactions being recorded [FIXED in 2.0.4] missing one page checkout, only 3 steps checkout are marked as "checkout" [FIXED in 2.0.4] Class not found 500 error, transactions not being marked in prestashop as "sent to analytics" [FIXED in 2.0.4] product footer hook not being executed, so special data from product page, such as price, name... not being sent [TESTING] pageview sent many times (3 times in order confirmation, 2 times in product pages) breaking bounce rate and page/visits stats missing products purchased info in order confirmation missing transaction id in order confirmation [TESTING] product impression missing in categories, new products, best sellers, prices drop and search result not using HookOrderConfirmation so payment modules with its own confirmation controller not being recorded (paypal, some credit cards modules...) [TESTING] click event being sent every time a product is viewed resulting in wrong bounce rate As you can see, only 4 out of 10 problems found and reported and fixed proposed before 15-dec were solved on 2.0.4, published on 16-dec, and one of those problems is that payment modules with its own controller are not being tracked, but those that use the standard order confirmation are (for example, wire transfer). On 18-dec, 3 other issues were marked as "TESTING", so maybe those will be included in the next release. If you think this is serious, I foud new issues 4 days ago: Whenever you use your backoffice, you are being counted as a visit, breaking your visits stats, time on site, pages per visits... if you get a transaction sent to analytics (because it was, for example a wire transfer), every time you see a page in the backoffice, it is sent again, so you get thousands of transactions) So, still, my recommendation is not to use the module.
  7. Hola posi0, asegurate de que en analytics has activado el codigo enhanced ecommerce en la pestaña de Administracion de la propiedad y, por si acaso, desinstalar e instalar el modulo otra vez. En cualquier caso no lo han arreglado todavia, han sacado la version 2.0.4 supongo que por la presion de haber sacado la version 2.0.2 con tantos errores (aunque no entiendo porque, ya que el 90% de lo que han publicado fue lo que arergle yo mismo y el resto de soluciones al resto de problemas YA las habia publicado antes de que sacasen la version 2.0.4, osea que la version 2.0.4 podria haber venido con todos los problemas solucionados y solo han publicado la mitad de mis arreglos). Aun queda mucho por corregir: la tasa de rebote (bounce rate) tiene que apareceros mal a todos, porque cada vez que alguien entra en un producto automaticamente se envia un click a analytics. A mi me pasa por ejemplo que tengo visitas de china de 0.00 segundos (un rebote claramente) que hizo un click!!! (¿en 0 segundos?). al hacer click ya no se considera rebote. Las ventas que hagais con modulos "no standard" como por ejemplo, paypal, o redsys, NO se registran. Una nueva caracteristica de analytics es que se pueden registrar las veces que se ha mostrado un producto en un listado de categoria o una busqueda, de esa forma podremos detectar los motivos por los que un producto nos e vende. Puede ser que lo estemos mostrando en la 5ª pagina de los listados y los clientes nunca lleguen. Esto deberia estar funcionando, pero tambien sigue roto en la 2.0.4 Falta el ID del pedido, sale en blanco Falta la informacion de los productos que se han comprado en un pedido En ciertas paginas se envian a google varias pageview. Eso significa que en algunas paginas a google se le dice que el mismo cliente ha entrado mas de una vez, aunque en realidad haya entrado solo una. Concretamente en las paginas de producto se envian 2 pageviews y en la pagina de confirmacion de pedido se envian 3. El resutlado de este problema es que vuestras estadisticas son incorrectas, ya que una visita que a lo mejor ha visto 3 paginas, os va a aparecer como ha visto, por ejemplo, 7 y es falso. Eso tambien repercute en el rebote, ya que este se calcula en funcuione de las visitas y las paginas vistas en cada visita. Desconozco si hay mas problemas a parte de estos que ya estan corregidos a la espera de que alguien del Team las revise y las integre y las saquen en una nueva version. Desde luego estos son los que yo he encontrado (y otros mas que ya os han enviado en la version 2.0.4) y en mi tienda http://www.yopongoelhielo.com lleva corregido casi una semana y mis estadisticas parecen normales.
  8. In fact i recommend just that, don't upgrade or roll back to the previous release if you upgraded, although all the patches have been already working 2 days in my site and everything seems normal so far. BTW, if any of you decide to apply the patches or if you decide to roll back to the previous version, remember to uninstall and install again the module to make sure every thing is reseted.
  9. He estado arreglando un monton de problemas que tiene el modulo, podeis ver mas detalles aqui http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/387651-despues-de-actualizar-analytics-a-202-no-funciona-el-seguimiento/?do=findComment&comment=1900589 si sabeis un poco de programacion podrias aplicar los parches facilemente, si no, esperemos que saquen la actualizacion con los cambios lo antes posible
  10. Yo he estado arreglando todos los problemas que me he encontrado desde la actualizacion del modulo para mi tienda http://www.yopongoelhielo.com. he ido subiendo el codigo a github y estoy a la espera de que aprueben todos los pullrequest y lancen la actualizacion para todo el mundo. Ahora mismo en mi tienda esta funcionando bien con analytics enhanced ecommerce activado Mientras sacan la actualizacion mi recomendacion es que apliqueis los parches a mano o que volvais a la version anterior. aqui teneis el codigo tal cual esta ahora en la ultima version https://github.com/PrestaShop/ganalytics y aqui los patchs que faltan por aplicar https://github.com/PrestaShop/ganalytics/pulls estos son todos los problemas que me he encontrado desde la actualizacion la 2.0.2: bad controller names resulting in no transactions being recorded missing one page checkout, only 3 steps checkout are marked as "checkout" Class not found 500 error, transactions not being marked in prestashop as "sent to analytics" product footer hook not being executed, so special data from product page, such as price, name... not being sent pageview sent many times (3 times in order confirmation, 2 times in product pages) breaking bounce rate and page/visits stats missing products purchased info in order confirmation missing transaction id in order confirmation product impression missing in categories, new products, best sellers, prices drop and search result not using HookOrderConfirmation so payment modules with its own confirmation controller not being recorded (paypal, some credit cards modules...) click event being sent every time a product is viewed resulting in wrong bounce rate because despues de aplicar los parches o de volver a la version anterior, os recomiendo desinstalar e instalar otra vez desde el backoffice Espero q os sea de ayuda
  11. I've been fixing all the issues I found since the update, you can see a summary and all the fiexd in this post http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/387238-ganalytics-e-commerce-tracking-202/?do=findComment&comment=1900570
  12. I've been fixing this for my shop and published all the patches in github, this is so far the errors detected and fixed since upgrade to 2.0.2 bad controller names resulting in no transactions being recorded missing one page checkout, only 3 steps checkout are marked as "checkout" Class not found 500 error, transactions not being marked in prestashop as "sent to analytics" product footer hook not being executed, so special data from product page, such as price, name... not being sent pageview sent many times (3 times in order confirmation, 2 times in product pages) breaking bounce rate and page/visits stats missing products purchased info in order confirmation missing transaction id in order confirmation product impression missing in categories, new products, best sellers, prices drop and search result not using HookOrderConfirmation so payment modules with its own confirmation controller not being recorded (paypal, some credit cards modules...) click event being sent every time a product is viewed resulting in wrong bounce rate right now every thing seems to be working allright in http://www.yopongoelhielo.com for the past couple of days and enhaced ecommerce is finally working. I'm waiting for prestashop members to merge all the pullrequests (some are already merged) and release the update to everyone, but you can try the patches yourselves The code right now with some of the fixes applied https://github.com/PrestaShop/ganalytics The remaining patches: https://github.com/PrestaShop/ganalytics/pulls
  13. Thank you 202ecommerce, I'll try again with the default theme and post here the result. Maybe it has something to do with speed, where cart items are deleted from sesion but not from database or the other way around. I admit all the test I made were made really fast. Or maybe it is just the javascript of my theme messing around with new versions. However, This doesn't reproduce on "standard solution" mode.
  14. dot know if this is my theme, or this happens in every paypqal instalation. Im using PS and paypal module 3.8.0 Reproduce: If you have your paypal module configured in paypal express mode, 1 - Add products to the cart (lets say 10) 2 - Select paypal as payment method 3 - Get redirected to paypal page 4 - click "cancel and go back to shop" in paypal page 5 - remove some products from your cart (lets say 9, left only 1 product) 6 - again, select paypas as payment method 7 - pay the new ammount after removing some of the the products from the cart (pay only the 1 you left) 8 - when you finish the payment and return to the shop, the full cart was ordered and validated (all 10 products seems payed and with no error in backoffice and customer's orders list and confirmation email) If this is not just me.... this is HUGE problem
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