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  1. Thats great, I am also sorting out to have SSL enabled on our webshop.
  2. Site doesn't look so well at the moment, text and images scrambled everywhere.
  3. Really nice design! No other comments or suggestions. Which theme did you use?
  4. The site looks neat, but could use some grammar checking. For example in the menu it says Secure Paymant instead of Secure Payment The text formatting on the delivery page could be done more nicer. Now it is just text mashed all the way down. http://www.stor4eto.com/content/1-delivery Subcategories don't seem to contain any images. http://www.stor4eto.com/7-cell-phones But overall, really a nice theme and site, no slow loading issues or anything. Which theme did you use?
  5. Looks great in Mozilla ! Maybe change the favicon to a coffee bean. It is still displaying the Prestashop favicon (favicon the small icon displayed in the browser tab) Haven't seen it in IE8 though.
  6. I also have a question about Google Sitemap. I use the Gsitemap module that came with Prestashop, I created the Google site map with success. Now when I submitted the Sitemap to to google webmasters it didn' t get accepted. "Cause of formatting issues" What other tools do you use to make a sitemap?
  7. Well check how long the average visitor is staying on your site. If the average time is low i.e (seconds) and your bounce rate high then it might be that those hits are just accidentally
  8. Check the logs for Ip-addresses if it comse from the same IP-address You can block it
  9. Also maybe try and change the color of the hover from from white to the same light green or maybe even a tad bit lighter?
  10. So it is a server problem? I thought that already.. Thanks Sharak! Anyone else having this kind of loading time too?
  11. Hi All, Few weeks ago I noticed that my site was so slow. The loading time can take up to 20 seconds. Which is really slow, I measured the loading time with www.pingdom.com Now my website is www.loukidu.com, what could cause this long loading time??
  12. dhyaqns

    Website traag

    Hoi allen, Sinds een paar weken heb ik gemerkt dat mijn website heel sloom is geworden. Ik heb een test gedaan bij www.pingdom.com en wat nodige aanpassingen gemaakt. Mijn website is www.loukidu.com Laad het bij jullie ook traag? En wat zou hiervan de oorzaak kunnen zijn? Alvast bedankt!
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