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About bogdan90i

  • Birthday 11/18/1990

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  1. The sending of emails was exactly why i got the 504 error. Thank you so very much.
  2. So here is my problem. I have a class created that extends AdminProductsControllerCore. What it does is if you have one product that you want to split in 3 different products but have the same stock, it will have 1 master and 2 slaves. For example: You have reference - N101 that has stock 100, but you want to have 3 products with different reference N100FR and N100DE. What the new class does is that if you link the 3 products, all will have the same stock. As soon as you change the stock for one, it will also change it for the other 2. We also have a connection to a fulfillment system that manages the warehouse stock. This means that the Fulfillment software is connected through WebService to Prestashop and every change in the Fulfillment system to the stock is being sent to Prestashop. This also works very good. Also to be noted that in the Fulfillment software we have multiple systems linked to import orders, not just prestashop so it means that some orders are never in prestashop, but the stock drops. Now comes the problem: If i manually (or by new order) change the stock in Prestashop, all products change qty to the new value. But if the qty changes in the Fulfillment system, only the master sku changes stock in Prestashop. So this actually means that the new class that changes the stock when it's manually done in Prestashop (or by creation of new order) does not work. My question is how can i make it that when the stock is changed, that the class that i created will run? If there is need for more details, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, The problem is that before 1.7 when you went to www.store1.com, you could switch between stores by the dropdown in the right top corner without the url changing, and also when you click to view front office, you would see the one you selected. From 1.7 you can still change the store but sometimes in some categories in the backoffice it redirect you to www.store2.com (meaning that you had store2 selected in the dropdown but were in www.store1.com url). And also from 1.7 it does not redirect you to the right front-office. It would be good if you have a fix to post it here, so others can use it. Thanks
  4. I tried to find a fix, but there is none. Passing to symphony was really premature. There is a lot of module incompatibility also. For example if using paypal as payment you cannot manually change status. The fix was to create a new status of canceled. And some other modules don't work as expected. I just decided to have 1 store/install that way.. it's partly fixed.
  5. Hello marcin_jaworski, Thanks for the input, but the urls are setup. As i said if i login to the backoffice though example.com, both shops in the dropdown show the example.com url. If i login to the backoffice through example2.com, then again both shops will have the example2.com value in the dropdown. Also there is a really strange behaviour when i am logged in to shop1 url and select for example shop1 and go to modules and change something, when i am on the module configuration page and change the store to shop2 to make modifications, it logs me out and redirects me to shop2 url backoffice to login.
  6. Hello, I just found out a bug i can say. I have a prestashop install on my server. What happens is that i created the multistore and have 2 shops. Ex: example.com and example2.com. If you go to the front office, they work as expected, you have 2 stores and everything is nice. The problem comes when you go to the backoffice and try to click on the link to take you to the frontoffice, like this: https://i.imgur.com/bDpGZ9B.jpg If i go over it, it shows the link to the frontoffice but it's the same one for both shops. And the link that it redirects be is the link that i'm logged in, in the backoffice. For example if i'm logged in using this url http://example.com/admin, then both shop button will redirect me to the same frontoffice, meaning example.com. And if i'm logged in, on http://example2.com, then both of the shop buttons will redirect me to http://example2.com frontoffice. I did a fresh install for prestashop 1.7, and 1.7.2 and all have the same behaviour. I looked in the code and this part is making it give the same url $shop_data['uri'] which can be found under admin_folder/themes/default/template/helpers/shop_list/list.tpl What is strange is that because of some anomaly, that i think has to do with what i just said, i'm using a module named TM - Payment CMS Block. And i selected "All Stores" and did some modifications and only the main website wish ID 1 saves the changes in the database. The second one doesn't work (keep in mind that i'm logged in as example.com, meaning this is the main website). And when i try to login to the backoffice through example2.com and edit the module, i get redirected to login again but to example.com, not example2.com. So with this said, if there is something that needs to be asked of me, please feel free. I will answer any question. Thanks in advance, Bogdan
  7. Hello, I have the website in maintenance mode. And i have force recompile and no cache. also checked the smarty folder and nothing to delete. Edit: So now it works, i think something was blocked. I tried it from different browsers and it did not work. But after i changed the original ean13 to what i wanted and back it started working. So the code is just fine.
  8. Hello, Does anybody have any idea on how to edit the Product Option page of the product? I edited: in src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductOptions.php I added after the ean13 add: ->add('ean13_current_shop', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType', array( 'required' => false, 'error_bubbling' => true, 'label' => $this->translator->trans('EAN-13 or JAN barcodez', [], 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), 'constraints' => array( new Assert\Regex("/^[0-9]{0,13}$/"), ) )) in src/PrestaShopBundle/Model/Product/AdminModelAdapter.php: Also after ean13: 'ean13_current_shop' => $this->product->ean13_current_shop, in src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/form.html.twig Also after ean13 field: <fieldset class="col-md-4 form-group"> <label class="form-control-label"> [spam-filter] form.step6.ean13_current_shop.vars.label [spam-filter] <span class="help-box" data-toggle="popover" data-content="[spam-filter] "This type of product code is specific to Europe and Japan, but is widely used internationally. It is a superset of the UPC code: all products marked with an EAN will be accepted in North America."|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Help') [spam-filter]" ></span> </label> [spam-filter] form_errors(form.step6.ean13_current_shop) [spam-filter] [spam-filter] form_widget(form.step6.ean13_current_shop) [spam-filter] </fieldset> And also edited the Product.php class directly. And i added: /** @var string Ean-13 barcode */ public $ean13_current_shop; and 'ean13_current_shop' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isEan13', 'size' => 13), And still it does not show on the front office. And as a test i deleted the file form.html.twig and nothing disappeared from the Product Options tab of the product. Any idea? Using prestashop Thanks
  9. Hello, No i do not but actually i found why the data was not saved in the database. In the AdminCustomersController.php i forgot to add $customer->note2 = $note2; after if (!empty($note) && !Validate::isCleanHtml($note)) { die('error:validation'); } And to add $note2 = Tools::htmlentitiesDecodeUTF8(Tools::getValue('note2')); After if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1') { $note = Tools::htmlentitiesDecodeUTF8(Tools::getValue('note')); What i wanted to do is to create a form replicating the private notes and it worked. I don't think it's the cleanest way to do it but it's in developing mode. If anybody wants to make a form for the clients but to be able to see only by the employees then tell me and i will guide you as far as i got (i mean with the raw version). I needed it for example for a company that does service checking, here is a image of what i made: So as you can see, one big form that has a save at the end of it. I thank you for you help omar2886
  10. Hello, Can you tell me how you did it? I want to actually add a second "Private note" in the customer information page in the backoffice and i duplicated the same files. To keep it simple i just created note2 and it does not work. For me the problem is that the second value is set as "undefined" I changed the .js file like this function saveCustomerNote(customerId){ var noteContent = $('#noteContent').val(); var noteContentform = $('#noteContentform').val(); var data = 'token=' + token_admin_customers + '&tab=AdminCustomers&ajax=1&action=updateCustomerNote&id_customer=' + customerId + '&note=' + encodeURIComponent(noteContent) + '&note2=' + encodeURIComponent(noteContentform); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "index.php", data: data, async : true, success: function(r) { if (r == 'ok') { $('#submitCustomerNote').attr('disabled', true); } showSuccessMessage(update_success_msg); } }); } Do you think you can help me?
  11. Any help please? i'm really stuck and i got nowhere
  12. Any help please? I looked at what antonin fayard wrote but it's not what i need.
  13. Hello, Just tried your patch on prestashop 1.6 and each time i try to enter the image+link and i click on save, i get But it only saves The actual text from the hyperlink. Can you please help me? Edit 17.06.2015: I just saw that it actually works if i add the hyperlink to the value as a fixed value, but if i try to add it as a customized value it does not work.
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