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  1. I found the solution. Silly... The developers put all files in one .zip file. And no documentation what to do if error comes. So it doesn't work when I need to install as module. So there I zipped all necessary files for the plugin and everything worked like a charm, nothing unnecessary for the plugin to install. Thanks for your replay.
  2. Hi... Error "access denied" just for one module I really need help. I installed in prestashop third party module downloaded from their original web site to make online payments. Unfortunately I can't config it in admin panel. Error "access denied" just for that module in admin panel. I can see my installed payment method on Payments preferences, I can see it in front of the site, but when I chose it from payments menu to config it, the module access denied. The module is developed for prestashop 1.7.x version. And link to plugin is there.
  3. ok, I fount the solution on my own. I made my site again in english language, checked titles and it was just perfect. Then changed the language back it was before, for me it was Lithuanian language and it worked. All titles display nice and search is working too on admin panel to find the product.
  4. Hi everyone, I have enabled SSL on admin panel. Tried to edit .htaccess but still getting "the page isn't working" Please help me to work out this issue. I don't want to buy a plugin for £27.
  5. It did NOT help me... Does any one have working solution? it looks stupid when all your items title are displayed N/A.
  6. Error 500 happens me third time. And it make me mad. First two times it happened when I cleaned the cash from the back office. the last time it happened when just uploading category thumbnail image. And nothing helps me to get back my site, just restoring backup. Many hours of work gone. Why it happens in such silly actions?
  7. As I mentioned few posts ago, that my understanding of PHP is just basics. Can some one help me to create thet meta file?
  8. The solution worked. But there I found another issue. I can't put any " - " symbol to the title tag to separate keywords, all " - " is changed to pipe symbol. I need to be changed only the last one before my site name. Not all " - " these symbols. Any solutions?
  9. That was great Thank you so much shokinro and Nemo1
  10. All right. I found meta.php file on https://sourceforge.net/p/iprestashop/code-0/2/tree/override/classes/Meta.php#l6 where the file is empty. Do I need put jus one line in there from Nemo1 post {$meta_title|replace:'-':'|'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}. <?php class Meta extends MetaCore { $meta_title|replace:'-':'|'|escape:'html':'UTF-8' } To make it look like that. If yes, I did that, but symbol didn't changed. Sorry for my understanding php. I have jus basic knowledgement.
  11. I have no such a file meta.php in override/classes/
  12. I use paid commercial theme, and I can see the line <title>{$meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</title> How can I change that symbol?
  13. Hi, Can any one tell me how to change "-" symbol in the title tag. By default presta gives brand name in the title tag, but I need to change symbol before the brand name to pipe " | " symbol. Now it looks: Some key word - Brand name But I need to show that: Some key word | Brand name Who can help me?
  14. So, is there any one who can tell me the solution to solve my problem? Please...
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