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  1. Hi Bill The {passwd} variable is not set when creating the order_conf e-mail. So I ned to know how to create the variable and where to put the code.
  2. Every order is created as a customer account with a random created password. Our review module forces customer to login to their account to bedste able to write a review. Therefore i ned to show my customers their password for easy access. Otherwise i wont get any review.
  3. How do I show the customers account password, in the "order_conf" e-mail template?
  4. i grabbed this code from admin/themes/default/controllers/products/quantities.tpl {$available_quantity[$attribute['id_product_attribute']]|htmlentities} It shows how many of each combination there is for a product. I would like create a variable in modules/mailalerts/mailalerts.php so it can be used in the email $items_table variable Like here: <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:right;">'.Tools::displayPrice($unit_price, $currency, false).'</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:center;">'.(int)$product['product_quantity'].' (INSERT VARIABLE HERE)</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:right;">' Hope it makes sense
  5. I'm trying to modify my PS 1.6 installation with Blackhawk 3.1 theme. At the product page i would like to add a static text + read a line from a .txt file. But this function should only be visible when the product is available for backorder. When selecting a different stock variant, the message should not be displayed. This is ok: This should be removed: I did some rookie research, and have tried the following: Added this to /classes/Product.php public function orderDate() { $f = fopen("bestillingsdato/dato.txt", "r"); $bestillingsdato = fgets($f); fclose($f); return $bestillingsdato; } Added the h1 code to /themes/blackhawk3.1/product.tpl at line 215 <span id="availability_value"{if $product->quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}>{if $product->quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product->available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product->available_now}{/if}</span><h1 itemprop="name">{l s='Bestillingsvarer bliver bestilt senest '}{$product->orderdate}</h1> (Don't mind the h1 tags ect.. This is testing only.) This just inserts the text line with no text from the dato.txt file. (yes the files exist and have data in it.) Bear with me since I'm all rookie, and I'm learning by doing
  6. Will this resolve the same bug I've got when I try to translate "Subject for newsletter_voucher:" in translations - BO?
  7. Happy new year all Prestashoppers! Will this work? '.(int)$product['product_quantity']. ('.intval($product['quantity_attribute'] - '.(int)$product['product_quantity']).')
  8. Thanks for replying. Too bad it didn't worked as planned for you. I hope someone can help with a solution. Have a nice day
  9. Can anyone confirm that this works on ver. ? I have tried but every linie adds a (-1 left) no matter how many I have on stock.
  10. Der står godt nok at spørgsmålet er løst men jeg har ikke kunne læse mig frem til løsningen i denne tråd. Jeg har selv lige opdateret fra til Og jeg får samme fejl Feltet link_omskrivning (Danish) er ugyldigt. Jeg har haft slettet .htaccess og der er blevet genereret en ny. Ved eksisterende varer med æ, ø eller å får jeg fejlen, nogle gange endda med "Feltet link_omskrivning (English((english)) er ugyldigt." Altså engelsk i stedet for Dansk. Opretter jeg en ny vare, med eller uden æ,ø og å, så er der ingen problemer. Alle oprettede varer med æ,ø og å vises med æ,ø og å i URL.
  11. Hi Prestashoppers! I'm looking for a module where I can select/type a date and time in BO, and then I can insert a tag anywhere in my shop and it will show the date selected. Perhaps a feature with long/short date would be nice. It would be awesome if this tag could be inserted in this description I want to inform my customers the next date/time I order from my supplier, så they can make an order on non-stock products. Does anyone know if such module exists?
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