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  1. Hi! This is what it looks at localization > language I will try to make a folder and then copy the language file from my last used theme! But why do I find swedish emails in orders/statuses if there is no swedish language file? Thanks!
  2. Oh - I forgot to tell you. When I try to copy the language file from my last theme to the new theme, it says: 2 fel Det går inte att kopiera "/web/se/www.ekoluna.se/themes/naturashop/lang/sv.php" till "/web/se/www.ekoluna.se/themes/custom_theme/lang/sv.php". En del av uppgifterna har kopierats men vissa språkfiler kunde inte hittas. 1. It is not possible to copy "web......sv.php" to "...... 2. Some of the data have been copied but some language files could not be found.
  3. Hi there and thanks for your efforts! I made a new print screen but don't seem to be able to attach it to this reply. Well, well - any way - I have tried to switch languages in all themes now, but tried again in the chosen theme. With the same result. So you want me to translate the error msg? It says: En mailkatalog finns för språket "sv", men inte för det förvalda språket i /themes/custom_theme/modules/sendtoafriend/mails/sv/ There is a mail catalogue for the language sv but not for the default language in "themes/...../sv/ Thanks!
  4. Hi! Another translation problem... (I didn't find the exact same though, so I post a new thread.) I have and have installed a new theme called baby market. It works ok, but I have problems with the translations. I tried to modify the e-mail translations in localization > translations and choose my theme and language Swedish. What happened is that when I saved changes in one email, all of them disappeared. In core email it says there are no translations and no missing translations. I send a print screen with the messages on top of page. When I check the emails in orders > statuses > edit I can see that there are swedish translations, but I cannot change them from here. Any idea on what to do? I tried to copy the language from an old theme, but it didn't work out. Thankful for any help on the issue! /Helen
  5. Hmmm... can't get it to work. Where do I find "theme"? I have a modules/"theme" but here I cant get into blockspecials. I can only choose what theme to use. My version is I have a specialsblock under other modules, but here I can only choose whether to display specials or not.
  6. UHU prestashop183 is the name of the theme: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/fashion/5686-uhupage-ps183.html thanks!
  7. Hi! I hope I am posting in the correct forum! 1. I have just installed a new theme (well, got help doing it...) in my shop (PS but can't find where to change "specials". Here's the shop: www.conleche.se Could any kind soul help me find where to change products/add products to the specials block? 2. I also don't know how to change language. Before, I manually changed language (tools/transations), but in this theme, that's not possible. I get an error message: "Cannot write language file" 3. Lastly, I don't know how to place facebook likes on the main page. I am not able to hook the module to any modules on the main page. Anyone know how to fix this..? Million thanks! /Helen
  8. TAck, jag ska testa. När ag tittade på performance fliken står det så här: Tvinga kompilering Ja Nej Detta tvingar Smarty att (om)kompilera mallarna vid varje anrop. Detta är användbart när du utvecklar eller felsöker. Det bör aldrig användas i produktionsmiljö. Cache: Ja Nej Bör vara aktivt förutom vid felsökning. Ska jag ändå göra som du sa? /Helen
  9. Hej! Här kommer riktiga newbiefrågor, sorry för det! Jag får inte förskottsinbetalningsmodulen att fungera på min webshop. Jag har fyllt i mina uppgifter under modul/betalningar, men alternativet kommer inte upp när man är i varukorgen. Jag får inte heller någon information under fraktsedlar när någon har lagt en order. Mycket knepigt. Leveransslipar ser inte ut att vara aktiverad, om det har med detta att göra. Vet dock inte var jag aktiverar dem. Tusen tack för hjälp! Jag sliter mitt hår här hemma... /Helen
  10. Hm... är det ett paket manköper till? Jag menade det här: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/front-office-features/3922-google-translate-block.html /Helen
  11. Förlåt för nybörjarfrågan... Men språkpaketet som ni pratar om - är det modulen som jag kan köpa för €30 (var det väl)? Jag har precis installerat Prestashop 1.4.7 lokalt och vill få allt i affären (categories etc.) på svenska. :-) /Helen
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