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  1. hi ! it was a long time ago that i first post my issue on this topic. but still, thanks fort the tip. i might need to use that for my current job sometimes !
  2. Et 3 and plus tard on en est ou ? Même problème : plusieurs nuance de couleurs ( bleu, bleu ciel, bleu marine, bleu/blanc) et impossible de regrouper tous ces attributs sous un meme terme "bleu" dans la navigation à facette ? Quelqu'un aurait-il une solution please ???
  3. Same wondering here, could you please give the module name? And have you found a better solution since then ? Thanks
  4. Hello, I'm facing the same problem and it's getting really hard to work with it. By chance, have you found a solution to this, that would be so relieving ? Thanks
  5. $id_order won't work ? It seems to be declared here no ? public function displayContent() { $id_order = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); what variable should i use to get total amount without shipping AND without tax ? Can't figure that out... Thanks
  6. Hi, I need to configure a tracking code for the affiliate network ZANOX. Im' using Prestashop I found a topic https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/250595-solved-affiliate-tracking-code/ dealing with this issue but it doesn't fill all variables i need. Here is the code i need to use : <script type="text/javascript"> var zx_transaction = "XXX"; var zx_total_amount = "XXX"; var zx_total_currency = "EUR"; var zx_products = [ { "identifier": "XXX", "amount": "XXX", "currency": "EUR", "quantity": "XXX" }, { // next product… } ]; </script> So i need : - Transaction is the id order - Total amount is the total order price without tax and without delivery - Currency is okay - Identifier of article - Currency is okay - Quantity is the number of the same product selected. I used this code found in the topic : In OrderConfirmationController.php $order = new Order($this->id_order); $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart); $description=""; foreach ($cart->getProducts() AS $k=>$v){ $description.=$v['name']."X".$v['quantity']; } $description=urlencode($description); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'total_to_pay'=>$order->getOrdersTotalPaid(), 'total_products'=>$order->total_products_wt, 'description'=>$description )); So i have total amount, using $total_products in order-confirmation.tpl, but I'm missing the other values. Thanks for help François
  7. Pascal, It does work, you do rock ! Thanks a lot, that's exactly what i was looking for ! Very nice !
  8. Hi, When i create a cart rule for free shipping , I choose a condition for the rule applies only for 1 manufacturer. No minimum command amount. It works okay if I add a product form the manufacturer I selected but if the cart contain also another product from another manufacturer it stills apply free shipping. Any help on how to offer free shipping ONLY if the cart contains product from the selected manufacturer ? Thanks
  9. Bonjour, Avez-vous finalement trouvé une solution à ce problème ? Je cherche aussi de mon coté.
  10. Bonjour à tous, Je souhaiterais mettre en place la gratuité des frais de port sur une marque en particulier. Je suis sous prestashop 1.6. Par ailleurs, puis-je par la même occasion rajouter le code nécessaire pour que cela ne s'applique que pour la France ? Je sais qu'il existe des posts sur la gratuité des frais de port seulement pour un pays, mais je ne pense pas que cela s'applique lorsque je souhaite avoir des franco de port sur une marque mais seulement pour un pays. Merci
  11. Essaie de procéder comme suit : Dans le B.O paramètres avancés -> Performances : Réduction du code HTML -> NON Compression du JavaScript dans le code HTML -> NON Déplacer le code JavaScript à la fin -> NON
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