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  • Birthday 02/20/1989

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  1. perhaps with the rights to the folder problems. send me a private message with access on to the FTP site and the access to the admin panel. I look and exactly say what the problem.
  2. Un modulo, che non era più utilizzato la classe AdminCmsContent. Abbiamo dovuto modificare una tabella di database ps_tab Modulo che ha creato il problema homesliderpro Ma non ho trovato nel pannello di amministrazione. Forse è già stato rimosso. Questo problema è molto raro. Lì, perché l'unità è stata scritta male.
  3. Hello. Write a link to your site. When a client creates an address, there are a field to enter the address name.
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  5. Hello. You must add slides for each language in module "sliders everywhere".
  6. I can see the site is already running. What did you do?
  7. Hello. If you are using a vps server, then you need to properly configure it. If the web hosting, then write to Customer Support.
  8. Bonjour, go to Preferences->SEO and URLs Modifier la page https://gyazo.com/f3cfb0c65bdc60326b9b531d345429e3
  9. Здравствуйте. Можете прописать стили для лого Добавьте в файл /themes/your-theme-name/global.css Код: #header_logo img {width:209px!important; height:52px!important;}
  10. Здравствуйте. Вам нужно править параметр padding в файл /themes/theme1248/css/modules/themeconfigurator/css/hooks.css cтрока 37: #htmlcontent_top ul li a .item-html { padding: 10px 155px 20px 20px; position: absolute; top: 0; }
  11. Напишите ссылку на ваш сайт, где я могу увидеть этот блок.
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