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  1. Ok, I got it to work again through adding the order-detail and the pdf-invoice controller to the list of friendly URLs
  2. I think that's not the point... Isn't there anything to tweak at to make it work? I thought about if there is something like $link->getPageLink which doesn't include the language in the url to make the ajax call work?
  3. I have used this for making it 7.2 compatible: https://ps.multimedia-bodensee.de/index.php/prestashop-tutorials/prestashop-tricks-tipps/item/6-anpassung-prestashop-1-5-6-2-und-1-6-1x-an-php-7-2
  4. Any idea somebody? I additionally found out that without the /de/ or /en/ in the URL it does work.
  5. Hello, we recently discovered that in our shop the order-history doens't fuction alright. If you click on an order, the details don't appear and the developer console shows an 404 error: GET [...]/index.php?controller=order-detail&id_order=72539&id_order=72539&ajax=true 404 I could find out that if I deactivate the friendly URLs in SEO/URLs section it does work. Everything else seems to work fine with them on. Does anybody know, how to make it work? I already tried giving another rewiriting alias to the history page, but that changed nothing. PS modified default-bootstrap PHP 7.2.34 Thanks on advance!
  6. Hello, we have a strange problem on Prestashop when adding manual orders and changing the price of a product in the cart. We're based in Germany and have setup the taxes correctly (taxes added for all EU countries, all other countries have no taxes, based on delivery address). Now when the customer is based outside the EU when changing the price of a product it automatically adds the amount of taxes for the base country. The information is shown that the prices are without taxes. In the summary it works alright and no taxes are indicated. If the customer is based in the EU you can change the price of the product to any amount and it takes it as entered as the price without taxes and in the summary the right taxes are added. In my phperror.log I get a lot of those entries (like for every change made in the form of the manual order page): PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...]/controllers/admin/AdminCartsController.php:652) in [...]/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1819 PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...]/controllers/admin/AdminCartsController.php:502) in [...]/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1819 PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...]/controllers/admin/AdminCartsController.php:481) in [...]/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1819 [...]PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...]/controllers/admin/AdminCartsController.php:844) in [...]/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1819 In AdminCartsController.php those are lines with "echo Tools::jsonEncode" at the end of ajax functions. In AdminController.php it's the line saying header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache'); in the initHeader() function. I suppose this has something to do with this. Does anybody know the problem and could help? Thanks!
  7. Is it possible to make this compatible with the EU legal module? If I try to assign a sticker it says "Unknown column 'id_deliverytime' in 'field list'"
  8. Ich habe einen hinter Cloudflare und kann dort die Kundenservice Seite regulär aufrufen. Eventuell hat es nichts mit Cloudflare zu tun? Mal deine Server/PHP Error logs geprüft?
  9. That's very bad for European Users of PS, because here (especially in Germany) it's mandatory to use this module. Also there are still some issues open https://github.com/PrestaShop/ps_legalcompliance/issues Would be great if someone would take the initiative on this.
  10. Have you tried activating those fields as mandatory under Customers -> Addresses (scroll to the bottom + set mandatory fields)
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