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About Anubis2702

  • Birthday 02/27/1985

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  1. Fixed Somehow my prestashop generated wrong .htaccess files. I had to remove the first lines from .htaccess down to the comment # ~~start~~
  2. I need urgent help, I've read a lot of threads about this issue but I cant find a solution! The frendly urls of my prestashop are not showing after I restored an 1 day older full backup. I tried recreating .htaccess but still not working. The real url to an image is working if I access it manually but the frendly url is blank. I dont see any error in logs, any suggestion ??
  3. Same upgrate here, different error: directory /src already exists error while copying file /src/.htaccess
  4. I found the fix, I just selected a shop context and now its working. I have a multistore and with all shops selected importing products is not working, even if I have "Store ID" field in the importing file. Thank you PS for wasting me another night from my life! Hope this will helps others.
  5. I installed a test ps on the same server and it is working, so it's not a server setup issue. I deactivated overrides but still not working. Any clues?
  6. Anyone could help me with this error when importing products? I tried everything from all types of files even the example file to all php.ini settings with no luck. I'm already sick of this ps, every day is a new challange The importing is successfully validating and stops at 0/173 products. However the first product is added. Here is the error I managed to find out: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'")." at /var/www/vhosts/shop.ro/httpdocs/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/layout.html.twig line 34 edit: the persmissions are d 755 / f 644
  7. I found the solution for me, maybe this helps others too. The problem was that somehow I had some translations in ps_translation database, but the translation file xlf did not existed in themes/[theme_name]/translations/ro-RO and also the translated modules did not existed anymore in themes/[theme_name]/modules. The solution is to detele all translations asociated with the [theme_name] in ps_translation but after that you need to translate it again. Or if you want to keep the translations for existing modules this is what I did. Since there wasn't any xlf file in theme translations I exported the theme translation in BO translations page, uploaded to themes/[theme_name]/translations/[lang-code] and deteled all files that contained <file original="adminXXXXX"> istead of the translated file location. After that I cleared the translations from ps_translation database asiciated with the theme, since the translator is creating them automatically it detects the xlf files.
  8. Yes I've changed the module name/namespaces and now it is working with the legacy translator. Not sure what was wrong since it worked fine when I've buit it in ps 1.7.1 and the module name was dresscustomizator so no way ps use this name for any native modules. The strings are formated with mod='module_name' not d=
  9. Hi guys, anyone can help me with this weird issue? I have built my own module and the BO translator tries to translate it as a native module in index.php/international/translations and not in index.php?controller=AdminTranslations, obvious throws error 'There is no translation file available.'
  10. Hello, I created a module some time ago, I translated it with ps 1.7.2, but after I upgraded to ps 1.7.3 I get this error: There is no translation file available. All other modules are working. Please can anyone help me to fix it? I cant find a way to debug it, what could I do? Thanks
  11. Hello, After I upgraded from ps 1.7.2 to I am unable to update some modules, this is the error I get: Cannot extract module in /httpdocs/app/cache/prod/sandbox/5acf6d7ce72fe/ to get its name. I checked and the sandbox is creating this folder with the permission 777. Can anyone help me to fix this?
  12. I found the issue. The module 'data mining' needs to be hooked in beforeBodyClosingTag to create new guests.
  13. Sorry, the version is Please correct the title. I dont think its a bug since it was working. So I need to debug it myself. So anyone knows where to start?
  14. I dont know what I changed and when but my presta stopped creating new guest objects in ps_guests database table? I tried to disable overrides and nonnative modules but still not working. Anyone know what controller should create this object? Thanks
  15. Fixed. I've just replaced templates/{mytheme}/assets/js/theme.js with the default one from classic theme
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