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About wacommunication

  • Birthday 11/26/1978

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks musicmaster. Can i check if the product created has been ordered, is in a registerd client cart, or has just been created by a bot ?
  2. Merci @Eolia, c'est une bonne idée, mais je suis encore un newbie avec Prestashop et SQL je copie-colle quand je trouve ce qu'il me faut ... Les tables attribute, attribute_lang et toutes les tables product liées sont impactées, avec des produits à 0€. Je sais que je pourrais utiliser une requête SQL, mais je n'ai aucune idée de comment l'écrire pour prendre en compte tout çà. Peux-tu me donner une piste s'il te plait ?
  3. Hi, Can I use a SQL request to delete the attributes of a product in the different tables (attribute, attribute_lang and product_attribute), with only the original ID of the product ?
  4. Hi, I thought a week ago that removing some of the attributes from my database would solve my problem with my saving buttons. It did, but it brought a new one : the site was becoming really slow and stopped working this morning. So i brought back my old ps_attribute and ps_attribute_lang tables with more than 100.000 attributes and my save and save and stay buttons are back to infinite turning state. So i'm looking for an SQL query that would help me clean the attributes, and any related table, so that i could start working on my products again. I'm a newbie, i might be taking the problem the wrong way, so i'm open to any suggestion to solve that problem...
  5. Hi, I thought a week ago that removing some of the attributes from my database would solve my problem with my saving buttons. It did, but it brought a new one : the site was becoming really slow and stopped working this morning. So i brought back my old ps_attribute and ps_attribute_lang tables with more than 100.000 attributes and my save and save and stay buttons are back to infinite turning state. So i'm looking for an SQL query that would help me clean the attributes, and any related table, so that i could start working on my products again. I'm a newbie, i might be taking the problem the wrong way, so i'm open to any suggestion to solve that problem...
  6. Hi, I thought a week ago that removing some of the attributes from my database would solve my problem with my saving buttons. It did, but it brought a new one : the site was becoming really slow and stopped working this morning. So i brought back my old ps_attribute and ps_attribute_lang tables with more than 100.000 attributes and my save and save and stay buttons are back to infinite turning state. So i'm looking for an SQL query that would help me clean the attributes, and any related table, so that i could start working on my products again. I'm a newbie, i might be taking the problem the wrong way, so i'm open to any suggestion to solve that problem. Thanks a lot !
  7. Je devenais fou, la version PS est, j'avais essayé de désactiver les modules non natifs, vérifié les journaux d'erreurs, connecté le site de test à la base de données et vu que le problème venait de la base de données. J'ai revérifié les journaux du serveur et découvert que quelque chose n'allait pas avec les attributs. L'onglet des déclinaisons ne fonctionnait plus. J'aurais dû d'abord vérifier tous les onglets, je n'aurais pas perdu autant de temps ... J'ai donc essayé d'importer les tables de la base de données utilisée pour le magasin dans le site de test et j'ai trouvé que la table attribute_lang était trop lourde, ce qui rendait l'onglet de déclinaisons incapable de charger et créais l'error timeout. J'ai un module de configuration spécial pour mes produits, car certains sont sur mesure et les attributs sont liés à chaque simulation faite. J'ai donc nettoyé la table de base de données pour garder les seuls attributs nécessaires aux produits existants et TADAAAAM! Problème résolu !!! Maintenant, je vais essayer de protéger le module et le panier des robots pour essayer de réduire le nombre de produits créés, de sorte que je n'aurai pas à nettoyer la base de données trop souvent.
  8. I was turning crazy, the PS version is, i had tried to disable the non-native modules, checked the error logs, connected the test site to the database and saw that the problem was coming from it. I checked server logs and found out that something was wrong with the attributes. I checked the combinations tab and it wasn't working anymore. I should have checked all the tabs first, I wouldn't have lost so much time... So i tried to import the attribute tables of the database used for the shop into the test site and found that the attribute_lang was much to heavy, so it was making the combination tab unable to load and bringing the timeout error. I do have a special configurator module for my products, as they are tailored to your needs and the attributes are linked to each simulation made. So i cleaned the database table with the only attributes needed for the existing products and TADAAAAM ! Problem solved !!! Now i'll try to protect the module and the cart from robots to try to reduce the number of products created, so that i won't have to clean the database too often. Arnaud
  9. Hi @selectshop.at Thanks for the details about server settings. I was turning crazy, the PS version is, i had tried to disable the non-native modules, checked the error logs, connected the test site to the database and saw that the problem was coming from it. I checked server logs again and found out that something was wrong with the attributes. I checked the combinations tab and it wasn't working anymore. I should have checked all the tabs first, I wouldn't have lost so much time... So i tried to import the attribute tables of the database used for the shop into the test site and found that the attribute_lang was much to heavy, so it was making the combination tab unable to load and bringing the timeout error. I do have a special configurator module for my products, as they are tailored to your needs and the attributes are linked to each simulation made. So i cleaned the database table with the only attributes needed for the existing products and TADAAAAM ! Problem solved !!! Now i'll try to protect the module and the cart from robots to try to reduce the number of products created, so that i won't have to clean the database too often. Thanks to have taken time to give me an answer !
  10. Hi everyone, I cannot work anymore on my products and save them, the save buttons keeps turning and a timeout alert come after about 45'. I've tried to check the conflit between modules, the server settings, took a look at the DB (not all of it), turned the DEV alerts to true, but i still have a timeout warning when i try to edit my products combination, name, price... I've found many solutions proposed, Chrome problem, form, product.js, memory_limit,..., but none of them worked out and the worst is that i do have a dev site with same server settings that is working fine.. Only difference is the DB that isn't used, except for test. Does anyone have an idea that would solve a problem shared by many ? Thanks Arnaud
  11. Hi, I try to bring back the subject because it is still not solved on my side: I've tried many things found about this problem but nothing is working. What's the worst ? I have a duplicate of this site on the same server configuration that works fine... The difference is that it is offline for external users. Has anyone found a solution ? Thanks, Arnaud
  12. Bonjour, Merci Natasha, j'ai essayé ta solution, mais cela n'a pas suffit, J'ai cherché partout, mais n'ai toujours pas résolu mon problème en essayant toutes les solutions proposées... @Fab20620, as-tu pu résoudre ton problème ? Arnaud
  13. Pour info, j'ai importé mes déclinaisons de mon site de dev et je n'ai plus de problème. Le problème est résolu mais reste un mystère...
  14. C'est fait, la mise a jour s'est bien deroulee, mais pas de changement... Le timeout revient toujours. Y-a-t-il un moyen de verifier si ma BDD est corrompue ?
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