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  1. Thanks for the reply. I've looked at the block top menu and block categories layout but they generate HTML that does not fit with the custom theme we are using(a bootstrap theme, but not designed for prestashop). For example I have a navigation bar which is an unordered list and need to generate a few list item elements that each hold a link to a category. If I try to use the displayTop hook from the block top menu I get many more elements than just the <li> that I need. So I then I figure I would need to overwrite the template code in the display top template to use the code from our custom theme, or create a new module and try to use the display top block module as a reference for how to pull categories. Perhaps you can tell me which of these methods is better? (Seems like maybe I should be override the module templates in my theme the more I think about it) Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  2. I am trying to figure out how to make a list of categories in my navigation bar. I setup the module and hook, but am not sure how to query for the categories, or iterate through them to build links. I've been at it for a couple hours and am feeling pretty low. Help please?
  3. Figured this out, needed to update the 'ps_shop_url' table in my database. Still confused on the .gitingore, so currently the only files I am ignoring are: config/settings.inc.php config/defines.inc.php adminurl/backups if anyone has input on the gitingore please let me know.
  4. Hello, First time prestashop user. I've copied the default theme and am rebuilding it to look like our current website. My question is for something like a navigation bar, where I want to display links to the different categories, should I make a module and a hook for this specific purpose? From what I've read and seen from other examples different blocks are represented using modules and hooks. So for example if I want a list of the categories, I would create a blockCategory Module, define a 'display categories' hook, and then in my controller I'd execute the hook, assign the output to a smarty variable ($HOOK_CATEGORIES), and then use the smarty variable in my template file to display the categories. Assuming that I am understanding that correctly, should I create a new module every time I need a piece of dynamic content in my template? The navigation is going to be in the header, so it will be there on every page, and it seems like I could also just extend the FrontController, add a getNavigation method, and use that instead. Appreciate any input you can offer. Thanks, Don
  5. Hey there, I am fairly new to Prestashop and having trouble figuring out a good development workflow. With my other projects I use git for version control, develop locally in a virtual machine, push to a staging server for testing, and then push the the production server for deployment. I usually use composer for dependency management so I .gitiignore the vendor directories and cache folders. I've successfully installed prestashop in the production environment, but am having trouble getting a functional copy into my development environment. The first issue I ran into was with the .gitignore, I tried using one i found on github (https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Prestashop.gitignore) but it ignores the cache folder and then I get an error that the 'Cache' class cannot be found. So I've un-ignored the cache folder and pulled down into my development environment. But now the front end redirects to my prod URL, and the backend doesn't load resources (css/js/etc) because it's trying to use production URLs I think. Is there a resource that explains a git workflow for setting up a development environment for Prestashop and then pushing to production? Does anyone have a working .gitignore they're willing to share? Appreciate any input. Thanks, Don
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