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  1. Hi, I am working on Prestashop 1.7 and want to show my customer order total value along with order subtotal. I want to do this using module without modifying theme template file. Is there any way to append custom value in order total summary section. I want to also modify order total value based on some parameter using my module. How can we achieve this? I can place my customer value only in case when there is any hook but in order total summary section, there is no hook. Therefore, I am not able to find a way to put my custom content just order sub total summary section. Can anyone please help me on this??? How can we put our content on page using module if there is no display hook??
  2. Hi, I am just startup man in eCommerce and analyzing some of the open source eCommerce Plateform. As per my user point of view, usability and easibility, I have selected two options a) Opencart, Prestashop. Opencart is quite easy in terms of its structure as well as code easiness but I am going towards Prestashop because it has more features than Opencart as well module integration without touching its source code. Now, I am checking the module availibility as well as seller performance on both store. On Opencart, I can find some sellers who were selling duplicate copy of other seller's modules and Opencart kept them as blocked. But these sellers are still selling items from their own websites. So, I want to know that, there is any option to find which sellers are valid and selling right modules? Or How can I find blocked fraud sellers on Prestashop? Thanks
  3. Hi, I have done all the said steps but nothing changed. I don't know why this is happening that, hook is calling in one version but not calling in the next version.
  4. I am working on Prestashop and developed a module which displays some extras fields on cart rule form (under information tab). Now, I am trying this module on Prestashop version but here my fields are not displaying on cart rule form in admin panel. Below is code to render fields: function install() { if(!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('displayAdminCartRulesForm')) { return false; } } function hookDisplayAdminCartRulesForm() { return 'TPL file for my custom form fields'; } The above code is written in my module file. I am not able to understand why the above hook is proper calling in PS v1.6.1.3 but not PS v1.6.1.5 onwards. Can anyone share your solution of how can I resolve this issue? Or what is the wrong in above code?
  5. When I click on the Modules button in the pull-down menu I get this same error code: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module AdminController: Call to a member function assign() on a non-object I am getting this error, when I click on the Modules >> Modules submenu in Admin panel. All my other admin features work and loads with no problem. I'm running PrestaShop™
  6. Hi Guys, I have added different shipping method in system with different shipping price. Now, I have associates atleast 2 shipping methods with different products. Some products have few common shipping. After doing the same, I am placing an order and prestashop showing me different shipping charge. So, I want to know that, how Prestashop calculate shipping charge if products being order has different shipping method.?
  7. I have tried to upload the requested file but i dont have permission. So, I am posting the information.tpl content below, in this reply: <div class="kb-panel outer-border"> <div class='kb-panel-header'> <h1>{$form_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</h1> <div data-toggle="kb-product-form-information" class='kb-accordian-symbol kbexpand'></div> <div class='clearfix'></div> </div> <div id="kb-product-form-information" class='kb-panel-body'> <div class="kb-block kb-form"> <ul class="kb-form-list"> <li class="kb-form-l"> <div class="kb-form-label-block"> <span class="kblabel ">{l s='Name' mod='mymodule'}</span><em>*</em> </div> <div class="kb-form-field-block"> <input type="text" class="kb-inpfield required" validate="isGenericName" name="name_{$default_lang|intval}" value="{$name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> </div> </li> <li class="kb-form-r"> <div class="kb-form-label-block"> <span class="kblabel ">{l s='Reference Code' mod='mymodule'}</span> </div> <div class="kb-form-field-block"> <input type="text" class="kb-inpfield required" validate="isGenericName" name="reference" value="{$reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>
  8. We are developing a module in prestashop. At a place, we need to define new smarty object to create and fetch new template. This is working fine but when we using language variable in that custom smarty template then its giving us error for unknown tag "l" in tpl file. Below is the error which is we are getting: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/var/www/html/prestashop/modules/mymodule/views/templates/front/product/informations.tpl" on line 12 "<span class="kblabel ">{l s='Name' mod='mymodule'}</span><em>*</em>" unknown tag "l" <-- thrown in /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 12 We have posted the same issue on stackoverflow.com. You can check the issue directly by going to below link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31990153/unknown-tag-l-in-smarty-prestashop?noredirect=1#comment51903552_31990153 I have searched lot of things on blogs, forum but nothing got. And really can't able to find the solution to fix this error. Please anyone look into my issue and let me share the resolution for this error. Thanks in advance.
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