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  1. Hi there, I have the same issue. Problem is with the SQL query. When trying to decrease a product without searching, SQL query is: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.* , w.id_currency, a.id_product as id, (a.price_te * a.physical_quantity) as valuation, w.name as warehouse FROM `wsps_stock` a INNER JOIN `wsps_product` p ON (p.id_product = a.id_product AND p.advanced_stock_management = 1) LEFT JOIN `wsps_warehouse` AS w ON w.id_warehouse = a.id_warehouse WHERE 1 AND a.id_product = 162 AND a.id_product_attribute = 542 ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 0, 50 But when the product is searched by name, the SQL query is: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.* , w.id_currency, a.id_product as id, (a.price_te * a.physical_quantity) as valuation, w.name as warehouse FROM `wsps_stock` a INNER JOIN `wsps_product` p ON (p.id_product = a.id_product AND p.advanced_stock_management = 1) LEFT JOIN `wsps_warehouse` AS w ON w.id_warehouse = a.id_warehouse WHERE 1 AND a.id_product = 162 AND a.id_product_attribute = 542 AND `name` LIKE '%kasa%' ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 0, 50 See the difference? Is it possible to fix it with some setting or do we have to wait for the next version? Thanks, peter
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