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Theme updates Templatemonster

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Hi Guys

I just bought a theme from Template monster and it does not work! It's apparently for 1.3 and they dont offer any upgrades for these templates, espesialy PrestaShop.

I use Magento and decided to give PrestaShop a try but whats the point if templates become obsolete with version changes and then hinder upgrades.

So... Is there a set of instructions on how to adapt a Theme for 1.3 to 1.4 ... ? or have i just tossed away $140!

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Template Monster has supplied me with the PrestaShop Ver which is what the Template was built around. I scencerly hope there is a workaround or some type of development plan to solve this issue because its realy rediculours that there is no backward compatiblity.

Guess Magento still rules!

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Agree. This is really a KILLER that themes built for 1.3 cannot work at all in 1.4, and there doesn't seem to have a fix. This is one weird "upgrade" for a program, throwing all previous themes to the trash can.

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You CAN use prestashop 1.3 themes (mostly) on 1.4

Please seacrh the forum on how to do that.

Basically you have to force smarty 2 over ver3 and you cannot use One Page Checkout (there's some other stuff too but i can't remember off the top of my head)

Also if the template includes any custom modules make sure you replace them with 1.4 versions or remove them.

I'm not sure who you're trying to blame here, the presta devs or templatemonster.

All the templatemonster themes clearly state that they are compatible with 1.3

Upgrades and new functonality means things will break. As long as it's clearly communicated beforehand wise users will take the caveats into consideration before taking actions.

I LOVE some of the templatemonster themes and can't wait for the authors to start rolling out 1.4 themes. But there's a reason the devs have 2 stable versions 1.3.7 and 1.4 after all.

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