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1.4 not usable, many problems after upgrade from

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i upgraded from to following the official steps.

problems I saw within 10 min after upgrade:

-80 sql errors during upgrade
-after logging in in backend the following message: Tab cannot be found.
-site down for maintenance
-if i activate it in the backend (enable shop in preferences) its still keeps the radiobutton on "no" although it shows "Settings update successful " - also when I enter a maintainance ip after saving the field is empty again
-that means i can not look at the frontend
-in the backend catalog the categories get listed, but not the products - the page seems to be "cut" after the title "Products in this category"
-in the modules section there is a module with a question mark image that can not be deleted, enabled or anything
-when changing a tab in the backend, the second horizontal navigation always stays the same: * Catalog
* Customers
* Orders
* Payment
* Shipping
* Stats
* Modules
* Employees
* Preferences
* Tools
whatever tab ich choose, so i dont have acces to the submenues of the tabs
-stats pages: navigation is there on the left, but right part always stays white whatever statistics i choose to the left

this is only after 10 minutes -- shop is unusable, backend is broken.

I tried the upgrade 3 times without any success (always copied database & files from the live shop again to get a fresh upgrade start)

so how to fix that?? fix the upgrade as a whole i mean, because fixing symptoms would take ages....

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