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Mostrar todos los transportistas disponibles


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Hola, he vistoq ue en archivo cart.php dentro de classes, existe este código

     * Get all deliveries options available for the current cart
     * @param Country $default_country
     * @param bool $flush Force flushing cache
     * @return array array(
     *                   0 => array( // First address
     *                       '12,' => array(  // First delivery option available for this address
     *                           carrier_list => array(
     *                               12 => array( // First carrier for this option
     *                                   'instance' => Carrier Object,
     *                                   'logo' => <url to the carriers logo>,
     *                                   'price_with_tax' => 12.4,
     *                                   'price_without_tax' => 12.4,
     *                                   'package_list' => array(
     *                                       1,
     *                                       3,
     *                                   ),
     *                               ),
     *                           ),
     *                           is_best_grade => true, // Does this option have the biggest grade (quick shipping) for this shipping address
     *                           is_best_price => true, // Does this option have the lower price for this shipping address
     *                           unique_carrier => true, // Does this option use a unique carrier
     *                           total_price_with_tax => 12.5,
     *                           total_price_without_tax => 12.5,
     *                           position => 5, // Average of the carrier position
     *                       ),
     *                   ),
     *               );
     *               If there are no carriers available for an address, return an empty  array

Alguien podría decirme como podría utilizarse o para que sirve? ya que estaría interesado en poder mostrar todos los transportistas disponibles, gracias.

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