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Need to make BOLD!


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I wanted to change the color and make this text larger and bold.  This is the  text that tells the customer if a product is "in stock" or "out of stock text"   I added the following code to the custom.css file and it changed the color but I don't know what to change to make the text larger and bold.   If someone that knows what to add  could please help it would be greatly appreciated.  I did try to make the font-weight larger but that did not change anything.  I always cleared the cache to see if any changes were made.


#product-availability{margin-top:.625rem;display:inline-block;font-weight:700; color:#ff0000}#product-availability .material-icons{line-height:inherit}#product-availability .product-available{color:#4cbb6c}#product-availability .product-last-items,#product-availability .product-unavailable{color:#ff0000}

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