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Lnguage problems v

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I am new to Prestashop,and just starting to install / configure.

I'm struggling arund the language / translations as I want to install serbian for my client.

I have followed the various guides but I keep hitting a problem, I'm not sure if I am missing something

I get "An error occurred while updating object. lang ()" wen trying to update the language details, I created a serbian, as it was not on the list and tried to include the flag picture etc, but always got the problem.

But I also tried just changing the default lanuage to french or german, and the font end still defaulted to english... and when I try and edit french or german language I also get "An error occurred while updating object. lang ()" so I am am suspicious.

This is pretty early on in the build, am I doing something wrong? How (can I ) turn debugging on? Should I try an earlier version of Prestashop?

Help appreciated.


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OK I have narrowed this down to a permission issue.

The error no longer occurs now I have granted write permission to EVERYTHING, (note the installer was happy with my permissions!) it would be handy if someone could guide me on what files / directories are updated by updating languages, as it would speed up 'narrowing down' the issue.

In any case I'll let you know when I find the culprit.


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I also thought it was a uniquely permission issue - but after messing about for a while, I found that for some reason the flag is NOT generated correctly when uploading a flag file.
So I saved the flag as .jpg with the language number as file name - from the list of installed languages i BO - (I have 1.jpg for English, 2.jpg for French etc.) - and uploaded it to the l folder in /img.
And VOILA it worked.... for me at least!
The NO IMAGE file was uploaded fine and working...

I did, however, in the process of installing - have to (re)set the permissions to 777 on
- themes/prestashop/lang
- modules/productcategory
- modules/blockmanufacturer
- modules/blocklanguages
- modules/blockcategories

Do not know why they did not retain the CMOD already set....... But I know I´m not the only one to experience this issue.

From my language files uploaded into /translations/xxlanguage/was also the index.php file missing - just made a copy of the one in en and put in there... seemed to work!

Basicly I assume there is a problem with the core in this version og Prestashop?

Will update if I encounter further problems...

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I got following error with no Flag and "No-picture" image created. Even after I set write permission to all directories.

An error occurred while updating object.lang()

This language is NOT complete and cannot be used in the Front or Back Office because some files are missing.

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An error occurred while updating object.lang()
Set write permission to root directory 'www' to solve this error.

But if we re-add the language, it failed to create...
Theme files: /www/themes/prestashop/lang/tw.php
Mail files: ....ALL files /www/mails/tw

No tw created in /www/mails/

Any advice...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

It seems to be a matter of privileges. It was in my case. I tried giving 777 to the img folder, since the flag was the problem I was having, to no avail.


i tried giving privileges to other specific folders as well, to no avail again. Finally I've tried giving 777 to everything and now it works, but this is an unacceptable solution.


The disk privileges in prestashop are awfully designed. There should be 1 unique folder to be given privileges, not 24. :(


My first contact with prestashop and so far it is taking too much time to set it up ...

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