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BaseUri not defined


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I am testing the waters to migrate to PrestaShop. I have installed.

While I am testing the functionality if PrestaShop fits my needs - along with already purchasing some modules for testing - I have received error below:

bottom-2d985e6.js:263 Uncaught ReferenceError: baseUri is not defined
    at Object.refresh (bottom-2d985e6.js:263)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (bottom-2d985e6.js:301)
    at u (bottom-2d985e6.js:39)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (bottom-2d985e6.js:39)
    at Function.ready (bottom-2d985e6.js:39)
    at HTMLDocument.H (bottom-2d985e6.js:39)

I am not a programmer, I am a user trying to use prebuilt programmed items to get a store operational. I disabled several modules that were throwing errors and have gotten down to just one error (listed above)

Any ideas what the error means?

my site is https://www.artwarehouse.biz/pshop/

Thanks for your help.

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server settings:

Server information Linux #1 SMP Wed Jan 16 16:56:35 CST 2019 x86_64

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 7.1.24

Memory limit: 256M

Max execution time: 30

Upload Max File size: 64M


database settings:

MySQL version: 5.6.41-84.1

MySQL server: localhost:3306

MySQL name: f3ldecor_prst2

MySQL user: f3ldecor_prst2

Tables prefix: ps_

MySQL engine: InnoDB

MySQL driver: DbPDO

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  • 9 months later...
On 4/26/2019 at 3:12 PM, mlakey130 said:

Since i got no help on this, and through messing around, there were two cart blocks enabled and once I disabled one of them, the error went away.


Hi mlakey !

And THANK YOU ! I was having the same issue after upgrading from to Fixed a lot of issues with permissions/roles in DB, the last thing was this "Uncaught ReferenceError: baseUri is not defined" in the "bottom-***.js". In my case too, two cart modules were still active, the 1.6.2 AND 2.0.3. Yes disabled the 1.6.2 and everything works fine now ;)


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/26/2019 at 3:12 PM, mlakey130 said:

Since i got no help on this, and through messing around, there were two cart blocks enabled and once I disabled one of them, the error went away.


Hi mlakey130!

You just saved me another 2 hours of understanding where this error came from (PS!

Thank you!!


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