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How can i change default customer group for multiple customers

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Prestashop Version:


Hey everyone,

I have following important groups in my shop (with a ton of customers):

  • Customer (by default from Prestashop)
  • Limit 1000
  • Limit 3000
  • Limit 5000

Every customers "Default group" is set to "Customer". I need it to be set to the specific "Limit" group, in which they're in. I think the only way to achieve this is with some SQL command, but my knowledge there is very limited. 

Can someone help me out?


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I found the answer. Following SQL String works perfectly:

update prstshp_customer
  c.id_customer AS id_customer,
  c.email AS email,
  c.active AS active,
FROM prstshp_customer_group a
LEFT JOIN prstshp_customer c
  ON (a.id_customer = c.id_customer)
AND a.id_group = 4
AND c.deleted != 1
AND c.id_shop IN (1)
)B on prstshp_customer.id_customer=B.id_customer
SET id_default_group=4


Just change

AND a.id_group = 4

to the ID of the group in which the customers are.

and the default group ID

SET id_default_group=4

u want to assign to that customers


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