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Price reduction after 2 or more products


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I'm looking to configure a cart rule but don't really know how to do it. The idea is to reduce the price by 5€ for each product if there are more than 1 product in the cart without reducing the price of the first product. For example :

Price is 30€.
- If I buy one, it costs 30€
- If I buy two, it costs 55€ (30+(30-5))

- If I buy three, it costs 80€ (30+(30-5)+(30-5)).
- ...

Any idea ? Thank you !

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The best way I found is set up a specific price from the prices tab of the product  I have added a screenshot below to show you how mine work  

on this particular product if you buy 1 item you get it at the RRP  if you buy 3 or more each product is reduced by 0.49p  if you purchase 10 then they reduce by £1.59 each  resulting in a single item  costing £4.49   purchase 3  and they are £12  purchase 10 and they are £30

so to get what you want you would need to apply a discount of 5 including tax for the purchase of 2 products  and a discount of 10 if you buy 3 products

Hope that helps




Edited by puffdade (see edit history)
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