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Autocomplete no longer works in product page (PS 1.7)

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Hi guys.

The autocomplete JS in my module's product page hook stopped working in PS 1.7. I have the exact same code in a custom controller and that works, but in the product page it throws an error: 

TypeError: this.source is not a function. (In 'this.source({term:e},this._response())', 'this.source' is null) in main.bundle.js:187

The code is the following:

	var items = [
		"Item 1",
		"Item 2"

	$('#myinput').autocomplete(items, {
		minChars: 1,
		matchContains: true


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Well, autocomplete is a function, but it's a different function in the product page. It doesn't have the same arguments. That's what it looks like to me. I can't find any documentation though and it's pretty hard to reverse engineer the other autocomplete fields in the product page..

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