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PS 1.7 - Call custom action with url from AdminOrdersController


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Hello ,


I have an issue with an custom action i created in Controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController ,
I'm trying to call it with the following url :  .../index.php?controller=AdminOrders&action=initkm&token=fe29dbd1ec67b6330319434d7a3cc6dd

I have no errors , the action has to do some stuff in the database and don't render or return anything but nothing happens..

I don't know if i am doing it right , i know i can create a module for this but it's a simple function for cleaning some products from orders.

Thank you for the help !

Controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController  ACTION : initKm() :

public function initKm(){
		echo "zoulou";
		$orders_qy = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT o.id_order as idOrder FROM pskenza_orders o');	
		echo var_dump($orders_qy);
			foreach($orders_qy as $o){
				$id_order = (int)$o['idOrder'];
				$order = new Order($id_order);
				$orders_details_qy = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM pskenza_order_detail WHERE id_order ='.$id_order.' AND product_reference like "MK%"');	
				foreach($orders_details_qy as $d){
					$order_detail = new OrderDetail((int)$d['id_order_detail']);
					if ($order_detail->id_order_invoice != 0) {
						$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($order_detail->id_order_invoice);
						$order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_excl;
						$order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_incl;
						$order_invoice->total_products -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_excl;
						$order_invoice->total_products_wt -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_incl;
						$res &= $order_invoice->update();
					$order->total_paid -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_incl;
					$order->total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_incl;
					$order->total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_excl;
					$order->total_products -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_excl;
					$order->total_products_wt -= $order_detail->total_price_tax_incl;

					$res &= $order->update();
					// Reinject quantity in stock
					$this->reinjectQuantity($order_detail, $order_detail->product_quantity, true);
					// Update weight SUM
					$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier((int)$order->getIdOrderCarrier());
					if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order_carrier)) {
						$order_carrier->weight = (float)$order->getTotalWeight();
						$res &= $order_carrier->update();
						if ($res) {
							$order->weight = sprintf("%.3f ".Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT'), $order_carrier->weight);
					// Get invoices collection
					$invoice_collection = $order->getInvoicesCollection();

					$invoice_array = array();
					foreach ($invoice_collection as $invoice) {
						/** @var OrderInvoice $invoice */
						$invoice->name = $invoice->getInvoiceNumberFormatted(Context::getContext()->language->id, (int)$order->id_shop);
						$invoice_array[] = $invoice;

					$order = $order->refreshShippingCost();



Edited by mohozah34 (see edit history)
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As you can see in the following code : https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/classes/controller/AdminController.php#L931
When you want to call an action the method name should be in this format 'process' . ucfirst(Tools::toCamelCase($this->action))
So in your case the name of your method should be processInitkm()
By the way it's not the recommended way to put your changes in this file, you should use overrides.


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