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[MODULE] Age Verification Popup | 18+ Verification

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Age Verification Popup Module

The Age Verification module allows the store admin to display Age Confirmation Popup on the storefront and user will be able to access the store only after confirming the age. The Age Verification Module allows the store admin to display an attractive popup on the storefront. Admin can customize the look and feel of the popup in simple steps.

More Info and purchase here: Age Verification Popup Module



Features of the Age Verification Popup Module:

1) Enable/disable: The store admin can easily enable or disable the module.

2) Verification Age: As per the legal requirements the store admin can set the age limit for the popup.

3) Display D.O.B: If this field is enabled then the user needs to enter his/her D.O.B to access the store products. If the age will be more than the defined Verification Age only then the user will be able to access the store.

4) Display Note: Admin can display a short note on the popup to inform the user regarding the age verification or adult content.

5) Enter Small Note: The store admin can define the text in this field.

6) Redirect URL: In case the user is not interested to access the store then the user can exit the store by clicking the Exit button available in the popup. The store admin can set the redirect URL for the Exit button.

7) Display Image: In order to promote the brand/store or make the popup attractive admin can also upload the image.

8) Display Terms and Conditions: The store admin can add a checkbox to confirm the age with a link to the Terms and Conditions page.

9) Look and Feel Settings: Admin can customize the look and feel of the popup.

Module link: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/website-security-access/25767-knowband-age-verification-popup-18-verification.html

Age Verification Module.jpg






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An improved version v1.0.4 of "Age Verification Popup | 18+ Verification Module" is now available on the Addon Store.

[New] Admin can give option of either Date of Birth, Yes/No or the Birth Year to confirm the age from the visitors.

[New] Admin can use any of the predefined theme and template for the popup.

[New] Admin can also upload the custom image, background & logo to display on popup.

[New] Admin can change the look and feel settings.

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