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[Solved] Quick question: What is the format for importing items into Categories - see topic

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I have imported items to my shop wanting the items to be put into categories I have already created.

i.e Home > Antivirus > AVG

When I import I have tried: Home, Antivirus, AVG and Home,Antivirus,AVG (no space) neither pull correctly, the items are placed on the Home page instead of their respective categories.

Advise would be appreciated!

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When you import, you have to import in csv format.

Cat ID;Product ID;Name;Price

To import products correctly into their corresponding category, you have to use the Category ID. Home ID =1. For example, if your Antivirus category has an ID of 3, use 3 instead of the category name "Antivirus".


Home (ID=)1
L ID=2 Firewall software
L ID=3 Antivirus << Use ID number instead of category name
L ID=4 Utilities software

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