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[SOLVED] Error editing order_conf.html

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I`ve tryed several times to edit order_conf.html from /mails/ro/order_conf.html while i was trying to make a translation but it fails. An error ocured when i was trying to save the file using Aptana editor. I was trying to overwrite the file using total commander but still without any good result : "Transfer failed. Continue operation?".
I was trying also to change attributes for this file "Cannot change attributes of remote files
Can someone help me please!
Have a nice day !

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I have tryed also this solution but without success.
I download the file order_conf.html with total commander on my hard drive.
Then, after editing with wordpad, i was trying to upload it back to server in the same location with no success. An error ocured: "Transfer failed. Continue operation?" . I hit "Yes" but no changes on that file.
I gues this is an error caused by the file .htaccess . I think this file don`t let me edit this files (only the files from /mails/ro/). Also don`t let me change the permissions of those files.

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Weird, to be honest, i am not familiar with those programs you mention and as you can see i use some other programs. I assume you have a backend to your server like for example CPanel? If so, you can also use the file manager program shown in CPanel.

If, after having tried that, you still have problems, than i think that it can only be permission problems.

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I have tried also from cpanel . I have a file manager there and also a html editor.
I have tried to modify permissions from there. Error: "FileOp Failure on: /home/avas504/public_html/mails/ro/order_conf.html: Operation not permitted"

I have tried also to modiy using that editor: Error also: [a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]
I think i`ll go nuts!

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I solved the problem.
It was a problem from my hosting provider (server). The language package was installed after installing prstashop so that the owner rights was not set on.
I recommend a file manager called: "Winscp" wich can see if an folder or a file does not have owner rights.
The owner rights can be reset only by the administrator of the server (hosting provider).
Have a nice day !

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