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Analytics and Prestashop transaction in /backoffice and not order-confirmation


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I have purchased the GTM module to track e-commerce into analytics.

Most of it works well but except some transactions. (I already texted to the module developer)


Strangely some transactions looks like not happening in the /order-confirmation page so they are not sent to Analytics. Looks like the user did not land on the /order-confirmation page but is really strange as there are no similarity between those transactions as some are done via Paypal, some CC and some via Idea.

Meanwhile some other transactions are sent correctly and in analytics i see the transaction id with the related /order-confirmation page.


The reason why (i think) is due the fact the transaction is sent from a different page is because this shop has also another analytics implemented which send the orders from the back office to analytics. And in that analytics the missing transactions are present and actually their page dimension instead of being /order-confirmation…. it’s /backoffice/index.php?controller=adminorders&token....


Any thoughts?


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