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"Matrice" theme featured product order on home page

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I can't believe how much searching I've done on this topic without an answer! So, I apologize in advance if its already been covered here.

Using the Matrice theme, how can I change the order of featured products (in the "Home" category) from ascending to descending? I want my new products to display at the top. This should be default behavior, no?

This problem does not occur when viewing regular categories. It's only on themes/matrice/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl

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I'm pretty sure that's the same module as in the 'element theme' which I am currently using.

Sorting the products in the home featured is as simple as sorting the products in the home catagory, comme ci

(i cut out most of the table to make the image smaller)

It works for me, just tried it...


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