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how do i use a .gif file instead text for bookmark?


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how do i use a .gif file instead text for bookmark?

on module named

Permanent links block v0.1
(Adds a block that displays permanent links such as sitemap, contact, etc.)

writeBookmarkLink('{$come_from}', '{$meta_title|addslashes|addslashes}', '{l s='BOOKMARK' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}');

I want to remove text ‘BOOKMARK’ and use a custom .gif file

please help me out

thank you

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I have the same problem, i whant to remove the text Bookmark and just have a picture...


i manage to fix it my self...


in the global.css

#header_links #header_link_sitemap a { background-image: url('../img/icon/sitemap.png') }

#header_links #header_link_contact a { background-image: url('../img/icon/contact.png') }

#header_links #header_link_bookmark a { background-image: url('../img/icon/star.png') }


then in the modules/blockpermanentlinks/blockpermanentlinks-header.tpl


change :

<li id="header_link_bookmark"><script type="text/javascript">writeBookmarkLink('{$come_from}', '{$meta_title|addslashes|addslashes}', '{l s='bookmark' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}');</script></li>



<li id="header_link_bookmark"><script type="text/javascript">writeBookmarkLink('{$come_from}', '{$meta_title|addslashes|addslashes}', '');</script></li>


then go to Back Office - Prefences - Preformance and change the Force compile to yes...


this works in PS

Edited by spc (see edit history)
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