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problem with order status

zozan atay

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Hello everyone! I’ve installed prestashop 1,7. It was the release put forward, i thought it was stable. I know i should have looked up the forums and websites warning against this release. I created the products, set the parameters of the shop (b2b), server etc...the website is online but in maintenance mode. Everything looks good but when i started to run some test, i’ve encountered some troubles. I really hope that someone on this forum can help me resolve this issue and i thank you in advance for taking the time to read all this…

So : i have around 12 clients who are professionnels, that i know really well. For the moment, when they order by phone i deliver the product 1 to 3 days later and they have 1 month to pay.

I have activated the b2b mode and i don’t sell without products in stock.

When i first tested the website with an order, i’m asked to fill out a form with bank info, if i don’t enter any infos, i still receive a bill in a mail and another mail stating that i will only receive my package when i pay. And that’s not what i want.

On the backoffice, for that order, the status is « order complete ». I don’t know if my parameters are rightly setted…

I’d like to know how to set the parameters correctly so that my clients can receive their package and pay later, a month later.And i need the status to be « in preparation » or something like that when an order is made. After i know it’s possible to change the status manually.For the moment it just appear to be a completed order. 

Also, i’ve installed a erp plugin, i didn’t know prestashop already had one, do you think it could cause a conflict ?

And do i need to enter my company bank info for the test or only when the website is activated? I don’t know if it can cause trouble.

I hope i’ve given you enough info to help resolve this. Pardon my english, i’m not sure if i’ve used the correct expression in english.



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