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How to display a product with Ajax ?


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Hi everyone,

I need your help !

If i summarize : I have a module (MyModule) with inside a controller :

class MyModuleCreationDevisModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController

 who displays mytemplate.tpl and a button with Ajax (my-button). -> I don't only display a button that's why i use ajax but i simplify for the post

I would like to know how i am suppose to process if i want to display the product with mytemplate.tpl without reloading the page when i click on my-button.

Should i process like this ::wacko:

  1. Add the id of the product in the data of my-button
  2. Get the data when my-button is click with Jquery.
  3. Thanks to AJAX send the data to the function DisplayAjax() of the override controller ProductController.php
  4. Display the template product.tpl with the product's data 



class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore
    public function __construct()

    public function initContent()
        $this->ajax = true;

    public function displayAjax()

        $id_product = Tools::getValue('id');
        $product = new Product($id_product);

        header('Content-Type: application/json');
            'template' =>'catalog/product',
            'product' => $product,
            'entity' => 'product',
            'id' => $id_product,


Or is there a cleaner way to do that ? The operation of the ProductController is hard to understand...

Your help is precious to me and I would be very grateful if you could help me to find a solution.:)


Edited by Rémi (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

hello ,

You do not have to override ProductController, you can use ProductControllerCore.
I am newbie in Prestashop, here is my steps (maybe not elegant):
1) prepare in you main tpl modal div for inline fancybox:

<div style="display:none">
  <div id="product_dlg">
    {include file = 'modules/YOURNAMEOFMODULE/views/templates/front/product.tpl'}

and of course your "product.tpl" file ( you can highly inspirate by "product.tpl" file from themes and little bit modificate it according your needness)
2) in javascript:

// variables id_product, id_product_attribute have value
var data;
var aurl;

if (showProduct){
//  aurl = PRODUCT_CONTROLLER_URL + '&id_product=' + id_product + '&id_product_attribute=' + id_product_attribute ;
//  or simply create from your controller url
  var lurl = YOUR_CONTROLLER_URL.split('?');
  var lang = lurl[1].split('id_lang=');
  aurl=lurl[0] +  '?controller=product&id_product=' + id_product + '&id_product_attribute=' + id_product_attribute + '&id_lang='+parseInt(lang[1]);
  data: {
      id_product: id_product,
      id_product_attribute: id_product_attribute,
      action: 'refresh',                // or 'quickview'
} else {
  data: {      
      action: YOUR_MODULE_ACTION,                
      controller: YOUR_AJAX_CONTROLLER,

   url: aurl,
   data: data,
   type: 'POST',
  success: function (result) {
  error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

3) handle on success result:
 The result from ProductController is Javascript object.

if action is 'quickview' then success can look like:
(you don't need to prepare own product.tpl file)

 success: function (result) {                
    if (typeof result ==='object') {
      if (typeof result.quickview_html !== 'undefined') { 
              'type': 'inline',
              'href': "#quickview-modal-" + result.product.id + "-" + result.product.id_product_attribute

if action is 'refresh' then success can look like:

 success: function (result) {                
    if (typeof result ==='object') {
      if (typeof result.product_details !== 'undefined') { 
         // if you keep the same classes and ids as in theme product.tpl then you can simply
         $( "#id_page_title"  ).text( result.product_title);
         $( "#product_dlg .product-discounts" ).replaceWith( result.product_discounts );
         $( "#product_dlg .images-container" ).replaceWith( result.product_cover_thumbnails );
         $( "#product_dlg .product-prices" ).replaceWith( result.product_prices );
         $( "#product-details" ).replaceWith( result.product_details );
         // moreover in #product_details is attribute data-product that contains all product properties in JSON format
         var product_data = $('#product-details').attr('data-product');
         var pd = JSON.parse(product_data);

         // using product properties
         $( "#description .product-description"  ).html( pd.description);
         $( "#id_product_description_short"  ).html( pd.description_short);
           'type': 'inline',
           'href': '#product_dlg'

Action 'refresh' result



Edited by EvaF (see edit history)
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