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[SOLVED] Shop & Back End Prices not Updating when Database Changed


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I update retail prices in database using SQL - retail prices are now different in database. I do this regularly.

But look at shop (or back end) and prices shown are still the old prices. This hasn't happened before.



If I change the Reference in ps_product it shows the new Reference in the shop and back end.

But if I change the Condition (new, used...) wholesale_price or price in the ps_product table, it does not show the new value in the shop or back end.

Any changes made to a product via the back end are shown correctly in the database, and the new value is shown in the shop.

But changes made in the database to wholesale_price or price, or condition do not show in shop or back end.

Happens on live server and also on home development machine using same database, with no php cache.

No special prices or reductions are being used. No combinations used either, just straight products with a single price.


Things tried:

Smarty cache has been cleared (even though not related - this is not a template problem).

The shop cache is not used (OFF) but has been cleared anyway.

Browser cache, cookies and stored data have been cleared, and a different browser used - no change.

MySQL cache has been flushed both locally and on the server.



It seems the shop (and back end) is not reading the updated database unless the changes have been made via the back end.

I can change prices to zero in the database and the shop (and back end) will still show the previous price.

(But where is the shop (and back end) reading the data from?)

Very odd.

Does anyone have any ideas?



Edited by Pixel (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, Rolige said:


This is because surely you have changed only the price in the ps_product, and you need also upgrade the prices in the table ps_product_shop




Thank you Rolige - you solved it straight away!

This shop has recently been upgraded from 1.4, which didn't have ps_product_shop.

So you have to change the price in both tables for 1.6.


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  • 3 years later...

I have the same problem.

But I have to update the combination prices!

They are in the "ps_product_attribute"... only!?

When I change the price at one product combination in the database it change there but not at the prestashop.
But if I update the price in prestashop it change in the databace (phpMyadmin) .


Sincerely Joakim




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