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I'm testing and have the following problems:

500 Internal Server Error when i go to modules at the backoffice.


Dev-mode on:




Compile Error: Cannot declare class WishList, because the name is already in use

500 Internal Server Error - FatalErrorException

Stack Trace

  1. in modules/fieldblockwishlist/WishList.php at line 613  image.gif.63d92c088a988cc7228013679632314a.gif
    2.         return Db::getInstance()->update('wishlist', array('default' => '1'), 'id_wishlist = '.$this->id);
    3.     }
    4. };


So if this problem is solved i have not secure images withh ssl.


23 hours ago, bellini13 said:

i would suggest starting by looking at all the media files (images, css, javascript etc...) in the browser (view source or the browsers network tab, press F12).  This way you can atleast identify which media resources are not secure, and then use that information to determine what needs to be changed.


16 hours ago, rictools said:

Is it the pure shop like on the first day or did you insert text and / or pictures into modules etc.? Maybe you inserted a pic-source with http:// (on the german forum an user inserted two blind gifs ...). It should be easy to recognize this, but not without a link to your shop ...


I will watch this if the 500-error is solved.


Thank you in advance!



Edited by Peter Pastoor (see edit history)
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I deleted fieldblockwishlist and it is working now. The wishlist isn't working at the frontoffice offcourse. I uploaded it again and it is still working. What could it be?


EDIT- Cleared the cache and the 500-error is back. So there is something wrong with the wishlist-module. It is not the biggest problem so i will let it be for now.

Edited by Peter Pastoor (see edit history)
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  • 8 months later...
On 7/11/2018 at 4:28 AM, Peter Pastoor said:

I found the problems with the unsecure images. It was the placeholders which weren't secure and http and not https

So the only problem is the wishlist for now.

Can you let me know how did you fix it ? I have exactly the same issue. Thank you.

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