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{revised yet again] customer comment area in order process

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Hi again,

I managed to add the comment box for new orders (in order-address.tpl) into my version, by copying the code from the same .tpl in the beta release ( into my current file. Both .php files already have the same code so I didn't mess with those.

What I'd like to know is, when a customer adds information to that text box, where should it post? And how can I get it to do so??

I tried a test purchase, but the input was nowhere to be found in the back office "Orders" tab, nor in the "Details" page of the order. (I'd actually hoped it would come up on the orders tab, where the customer comments come up when they add a message to their detail page after an order has been submitted)

I need to be able to allow our customers to use their own 'P.O. Number' or 'Reference Number' when they order. Currently, they can call up their order detail AFTER the purchase, and add a comment in "Details". Unfortunately, none of them are happy about this. Neither am I.

Could there be more code that I need to add this input into the order page in the back office? I looked at AdminOrders.php in both versions and I detect no differences. Where else might I look for why the information will not display in the "Orders" tab for the customer's order?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


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I have spent the better part of a week trying to understand why the text input I add in the order process of our shop doesn't show up in the order details page in the back office.

The code I have added (from to my ver should work. I matched line for line in any php or tpl file I could find that had anything at all to do with messages from the customer to the store. No success at all.

What am I missing here? The same code works flawlessly in ver

All I want to do is let my customers add their own P.O. number to their order AS THEY CHECK OUT, and be able to view it in the order details in the back office.

Without this feature, I am told many of our customers abandon on-line ordering completely and either call us directly, or worse - leave and order from our competition.

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One of the main reasons I am trying merely to alter ver instead of using the beta release of is that my database won't successfully transfer the employee's OR user's passwords from one version to the other.

Otherwise, I would be able to use all of the functions of the beta release, and just re-design that version to mimmic the look of version I currently have live. (As has more customer friendly features than the original final release, that is my ultimate goal anyway.)

Has anyone been able to get MySQL to move their active database to a new version and still have employee and user passwords function after the move?

If so, how are you moving your data, and what interface with MySQL are you using?

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  • 2 weeks later...


maybe my answer is a bit late here.. but in classes/message.php
replace function with getMessagesByOrderId with

static public function getMessagesByOrderId($id_order, $private = false)
        if (!Validate::isBool($private))

       $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
       SELECT m.*, c.`firstname` AS cfirstname, c.`lastname` AS clastname, e.`firstname` AS efirstname, e.`lastname` AS elastname
       FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'message` m
       LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON m.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`
       LEFT OUTER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'employee` e ON e.`id_employee` = m.`id_employee`
       WHERE `id_order` = '.intval($id_order).'
       '.($private ? ' AND m.`private` = 0' : '').'
       ORDER BY `date_add` ASC');

       return $result;

basicly, all you do here is removing the line

AND (`id_cart` IS NULL OR `id_cart` = 0)

now it should work.

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Thank you :)

Your message here was a little too late for me, as I paid a programmer to do that change because I couldn't find it. But by having the answer here in the forum from you, that will, I hope help others.

We really are a community here, of sorts. We're all trying to get the best on-line store up that's available, get it to work just the way we envision it, and please not only ourselves but our customers too.

We're all in this thing together, so I seriously appreciate everyone's input in these topics.


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