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Create an external link on the Order Confirmation Page?

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I'm very naive. I am not able to create an external hyperlink on the order confirmation page. 

I've modified the bank transfer module to create a manual payment method, but I am not able to add a simple link on the confirmation page. The screenshot depicts it well.

Also attaching the screenshot of the backend where I input the text. I've tried editing the tpl files, but it doesn't change the actual code on the browser. I have even tried disabling html filter and typing href on the text box itself, again the code just disappears in the browser. 

Its been 4 hours trying it. It would be very nice of you to show me how to do it.

Thank you.





Edited by Abhinav Tyagi (see edit history)
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Its very simple actually, you just have to clear the cache by navigating to Advanced Parameters > Performance. After you've done that, the changes you've made on the tpl file will load up. I used simple html hrefs to create links around the text. It's simple. :-)


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