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2 problems i need help

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hi all
i was searching forum before posting but could not find what i want
i hope you guys can help me.

1. how can i change admin page title
by default it is perestashop admin
i want to cange it

2.how can i delet country and city from registration form
i tried autenthic template i deleted from there
but system get errors and wont let to go to next step still asking for country and city

i hope you can help me

thanks in advance

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1. To translate "Administration panel", you can go to Tools > Translations, select "Back Office translations" in the dropdown, click the USA flag, then scroll down to the "index" section and enter the text you want in the "Administration panel" field.

You can't change the "PrestaShop" part without modifying code though. To remove that, change line 31 of admin/header.inc.php from:

<title>PrestaShop™ - <?php echo translate('Administration panel') ?></title>


<title><?php echo translate('Administration panel') ?></title>

2. You can't delete the country and city. PrestaShop can't work without them. The best you can do is set a default country and city and then hide the fields. For example, go to Shipping > Countries and change the default country at the bottom, then change lines 171-185 of authentication.tpl (in PrestaShop v1.3.2) from:

{l s='City'}
   <input type="text" class="text" name="city" id="city" value="{if isset($smarty.post.city)}{$smarty.post.city}{/if}" />

{l s='Country'}

       {foreach from=$countries item=v}



{l s='City'}
   <input type="text" class="text" name="city" id="city" value="City name" />

{l s='Country'}

       {foreach from=$countries item=v}


Change "City name" to the name of the city, which can't be changed.

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what is the mess in farsi translation is they put iranian stats as country instead of stat

so it makes every thing mess

i need to make a deafault value for state also country and city

then at least i can scape this mess

so could you please provide me that
or tell me if there is a way to diseable registration and make orders without that


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If you don't want customers selecting a state, I suggest that you go to the Shipping tab, edit your default country and change "Contains states" to "No".

PrestaShop doesn't support disabling registration completely. There are some third-party modules on the forums (search for "Guest checkout"), but they usually require manually modifying code.

PrestaShop has marked a feature request for guest checkout as "For future consideration", so the option may appear in a future version of PrestaShop.

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