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[SOLVED] HTTPS Success Page Issue


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Firstly let me say sorry; there seems to be a lot of SSL questions, just not one that I could see was similar.

I'm using SSL (to serve via HTTPS) and Sagepay as payment provider.

Upon reaching the cart stage of the site; the user is correctly served the pages using HTTPS.

However, when they return from the payment provider (Sagepay, the user is sent to /modules/sagepay/sucess.php) although they are being served via HTTPS, the links & script srcs in my template are not being updated to read 'https://' they all get imported using 'http://', causing the "Show non-secure items" dialog to show in IE.

Is there something I need to put in the sucess.php page to ensure that Prestashop appends the 's' to the path?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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