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Adding additional form fields to address page, under comment

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I would very much like some help on this issue. I'm trying to get the form which appears on order-address.tpl (currently sends a simple textarea as a message to the backend with the order) to include more form fields, such as you see below:

{l s='If you want to leave us comment about your order, please write it below.'}

<textarea cols="60" rows="3" name="message">{$oldMessage}</textarea>
           Date of Event: <input type="form" name="eventdate"/><br />

       Estimated number of guests at event: <input type="form" name="guests" /><br />

       How did you find out about us? :  <input type="radio" name="google" / >Google    <input type="radio" name="Yahoo"/> Yahoo    <input type="radio" name="AOL"/> AOL    <input type="radio" name="MSN"/> MSN    
<input type="radio" name="Repeat Customer"/> Repeat Customer    <input type="radio" name="Phonebook"/> Phonebook   <input type="radio" name="Other"/> Other (Internet, word of mouth, referral, etc)

However, I'm not sure how to get this information to pass through along with the message, and appear in the backend. I'd like to avoid modifying anything besides the theme, but will do whatever it takes.

Thank you!

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