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Ezytrader themes

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Hi all


Update - read the 4th post


My site was running on v1.1 so i rebuilt it on the new version (v1.3.1)
I started from scratch with the database (but i still have access to the old one for referring back to orders), so if you were already a member you will have to rejoin... sorry

The two free themes - "et-clean-blue" and "et-black" have been updated to 1.3.1

The budget pro theme "et-blueglass" as used on my site has been updated to 1.3.1

All other old and new themes will be added once they are converted to the latest version.

The module et-jukebox is working on the latest version.

If you have any questions you can contact me on my site at


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The rest of the themes have now been converted to 1.3

budget themes

Pro themes

I still have to set up a test server to upgrade the beauty-company wordpress theme v3

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Ezytrader site has been upgraded to v1.3.2.1

All themes have been upgraded to v1.3.2.1

There wasn't a lot of changed in the themes between and
If you have a 1.3.1 version, you could probably just get away with upgrading the language folder and the search.tpl in your themes folder.


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