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[Solved] Issue clicking on TAGs - brazilian shop

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Hi all,

This is my first message in this forum. I've been reading a lot to build my shop as it is now. And I'm very proud of having done it knowing only the basics of PHP and CSS. Please visit: www.brasilnabagagem.com.br

However, I'm experiencing an issue while using the TAGs module.
First of all, it's not related to the fact that it is 'ps_cumulus_2_1_21', because I had the same problem PS native tag module.

The thing is: when you click some tags (BRASIL, for example), it lists 461 products in 47 pages.
BUT I only have registered 120 products in PS Catalog.
Browsing after page 12, you can see it shows 1 products (out of stock) with no image and a link to HOME.
I think this error is related to something on DataBase, because every product I inserted had the 'BRASIL' tag.

So I'd ask anyone to please enter my shop and click on 'Brasil' tag and browse to page 12 to see the error.
I'm also attaching a .PNG file with that error.
Any suggestions on possible causes for this error are welcome. I have no more ideas about what is causing it.

I'll try anything.

Thank you in advance!

Joao Marcello


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I found the error myself.

The problem described occurs because I inserted the same word more than once in the tag.
PS will count 'BRASIL' every time it appears in the same tag. Like:

camiseta do Brasil (Brazil t-shirt), roupa do Brasil (Brazil clothing), Brasil (Brazil).
Will show 3 results if I click on the Brasil tag. The first result is correct. The other 2 will be [?] and out of stock.

This means: words cannot repeat in product tags, even using [,] to separate them.

I wonder if there is a way to make PS counts each word only once.

Thank you all!

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