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Problem with importing combonations via CSV file


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Hi guys,

I am trying to import some combinations via the option in Prestashop. My default language for the customers is german but the dashboard is in polish. I added some time ago all products with the reference codes. Now I download the csv from my warehouse software and edit it so I can upload it to prestashop. I tested the csv combination import with 1 product. I have about 20 variants of size. But the product I wanted to update had just two of them: L and M. So I prepared a file, you will see it as a screenshot. After uploading the file, the importing "module" recognizes only the size M (its updating the stocks) but the stocks for L, are not changing. If I upload the combination file in polish (not my default language) presta is creating a new attribute group. How can I correctly update my stocks :(?

Zrzut ekranu 2018-03-12 o 00.02.08.jpg

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