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[solved]Cannot Import categories and sub-categories

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I cannot Import my Categories and Sub-categories, because the titels and description contains the german charachters ü, ä and ö.

I became an error 2 that cahracter cannot be imported. I ticked there ISO-8859-1, but with tick there or not no chance. It is ignored and import brakes up.

I'm very worry about this, because I have more than 10.000 products to import and if it not works I cannot use Presta.

Is there any other possibility to write Data into Database instead using the import-tool ?

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Dear cd2500,

I have similar problem with french accents or particular symbols - I made a tool to cope with such accents as Umlaut.
Despite the tool is not free, you have 30 free runs to accomplish your tasks using Excel as working document and my tool to import.
It is available at www.pataro.fr.
Pls, dont forget to download the bilingual manual too !

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Hi petitnain,

This was my idea yesterday. I'm migrating from another system into presta so I tried to import directly from SQL to SQL, but I don't know php and nor in SQL, so its a very great challenge for me... Also all tables and columns are similar, but have other names...

Tha best way I found was to copy whol DB in that DB and copy by hand each column into presta... But I have a lot of categories and also a lot of products....

How can I import pictures ? These are not in the DB but in one FTP-Folder on another Server. I take a new one and the old will be replaced.
Can I update also stocks with it from a csv ? Like my post here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewreply/291568/

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Dear cd2500,
Seems that your situation is a kind of migration, therefore, there are some formatting arrangements needed between the two systems.

In summary, my tool take care of accents, create thumbnails series locally for each new products for further upload by ftp.

Concerning CSV as per your post http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewreply/291568/, you will need preprocessing to aggregate several lines to a single one for each product. >> I may help in scripting preprocessing but this do not have a direct relation with Prestashop. So I let you decide to continue exposing your case OR close it as Resolved..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I imported yet all categories. The exported descriptions with german characters cannot be imported BO as UTF-8. I solved it by opening the csv-file with PSPad, transformed it to UTF-8 and was able to import also the german characters and special characters without any problem. This was only an incompatibility problem ISO-8859-1(2) and UTF-8.

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