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Status Changed with Duplicates

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I am executing a default hook called hookActionProductCancel(). The hook is executing my codes well but there is a portion that is executing more than once based on the refund/return quantity sent.


If I were to refund/return 3 items (checkboxes), my order will have 3 "Refund" status in order detail history.

public function hookActionProductCancel($params) 
$query = new DbQuery();
->where('name = ' . "'Refund'");
$refund_status = Db::getInstance()->getValue($query);

$objOrder = new Order($id_order);
$history = new OrderHistory();
$history->id_order = (int)$objOrder->id;
$history->id_employee = $cookie->id_employee;
$history->changeIdOrderState($refund_status, (int)($objOrder->id));

Any guidance is truly appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by Enthu86 (see edit history)
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