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Loyalty program - "Awaiting validation" points


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I have a problem with loyalty points, or rather with their "suspension".

The module has incorrectly marked the status "Delivered", instead of "Sent" - as the final status for the points to be activated. At the moment I have over 2,000 orders, and marking now in the module of the "Sent" column as the final status (which determines the activation of points) only worked on new orders.

Changing the last status again to "Delivered" and entering each order to change its status is the final solution?

Maybe someone has an idea how to change it in bulk, or even "painlessly" :)


Thanks in advance for your answer!

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7 minutes ago, ancona said:


I have a problem with loyalty points, or rather with their "suspension".

The module has incorrectly marked the status "Delivered", instead of "Sent" - as the final status for the points to be activated. At the moment I have over 2,000 orders, and marking now in the module of the "Sent" column as the final status (which determines the activation of points) only worked on new orders.

Changing the last status again to "Delivered" and entering each order to change its status is the final solution?

Maybe someone has an idea how to change it in bulk, or even "painlessly" :)


Thanks in advance for your answer!


I think that it would be enough if you change the status of these points from "Awaiting validation" to "Available". Do you know how to run a query?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the answer.
No, I have no idea how to do it. Can you write to me for the future, to save me? :)

Finally, I changed all the statuses of orders from "Sent" to "Delivered" (fortunately, it lasted only 20 minutes). Then I set it again in the module to "Sent" and already new orders with the status "Sent" are activated points.

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